Components of Jungian Analysis: A Guide to the Core of C.G. Jung’s Psychology
Do you wonder what is meant by “Jungian analysis” and if it’s something for you? Are you curious about what analysis involves–what people in analysis do? Do you have an interest in exploring your life, experiences and relationships for insights and deeper understanding? And what are the payoffs–why invest time and energy in such explorations?
Living Alchemy: Using Ancient Wisdom to Go with the Flow of Life
Although most people regard alchemy as little more than medieval superstition, Carl Jung recognized it is a symbol system as useful and powerful today as it was to its medieval practitioners and to Jung himself in his work with his patients.
C.G. Jung: His Life, His Tools, His Writings
C.G. Jung: His Life, His Tools, His Writings combines a succinct biography of Jung the man with an in-depth discussion of the tools and techniques he used in his practice of analytical psychology, along with an overview of the enormous body of his written works.
Working with Dreams: A Jungian Perspective
A short, succinct guide to Jung’s way of handling dreams, including definitions of terms, useful tools, how to foster dream recall, and techniques for interpreting dreams on the three levels Jung used. Five appendices, bibliography and an extensive index make this both an indispensable primer and a handy reference work.
C.G. Jung and Our Collective Future
As a visionary student of ancient wisdom, Carl Jung understood the true nature of the challenges facing our transitional time—polarization, climate change, technological terrorism etc.—and provides us with an array of resources—concepts, techniques, new perspectives—we can use to seize the opportunities of this unique period in human history, and create a positive future.
C.G. Jung’s Wisdom for Our Time
Economic inequality, profound changes in our society, politics and environment, #meToo, Black Lives Matter, global pandemics, and a host of other current phenomena cause ferment and anxiety. Into this challenging era the intuitive wisdom of Carl Jung offers insights and solutions that are practical and grounded.
The Spiritual Adventure of Our Time
In the Terry Lectures C.G. Jung gave at Yale University he spoke of “the spiritual adventure of our time,” recognizing that the planet is on the cusp of shifting from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Jung is known as the “father of the New Age,” and this book explains just what Jung meant by the shift, how it is showing up now, and what it will mean for the world to operate in the spirit of an Aquarian era.
Revisioning Science: Essays Towards a New Knowledge Base of Our Culture
Ten Nobel laureates, scientists and philosophers offer insights on how science needs to evolve to meet the needs of modern society, in this *festschrift* for Willis W. Harman, former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
A High Sacred Place: Jane Wheelwright’s Tepitates Journal
An analysis of C.G. Jung and co-founder of the San Francisco Jung Institute, Jane Hollister Wheelwright wrote a late-life journal rich in insights into Jung the man and his circle, the importance of consciousness as we age, and the essential role of women in helping to save the planet. Jane provides a vivid illustration of what life can be like when informed by Jung’s ideas.
Free Downloads of The Collected Works of C. G. Jung
We scoured the internet to gather the Collected Works of Carl Jung to make them available for quick and simple download.
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- C.G. Jung Speaking
- Letters of CG Jung Vol. 1
- Letters of CG Jung Vol. 2
- Vol. 1 Psychiatric-Studies
- Vol. 2 Experimental Researches
- Vol. 3 The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease
- Vol. 4 Jung and Psychoanalysis
- Vol. 5 Jung Symbols of Transformation
- Vol. 6 Psychological Types
- Vol. 7 2 Essays on Analytical Psychology
- Vol. 8 Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
- Vol. 9 Part 1 Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
- Vol. 9 Part 2 Aion
- Vol. 10 Civilization in Transition
- Vol. 11 Psychology and Religion, West and East
- Vol. 12 Psychology and Alchemy
- Vol. 13 Alchemical Studies
- Vol. 14 Mysterium-Coniunctionis
- Vol. 15 The Spirit in Man Art and Literature
- Vol. 16 Practice of Psychotherapy
- Vol. 17 the development of personality
- Vol. 18 The-Symbolic-Life
- Vol. 19 Bibliography
- Vol. 20 General Index