Jung on Our Opioid Crisis

Sue Mehrtens is the author of this and all the other blog essays on this site. The opinions expressed in these essays are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of other Jungian Center faculty or Board members. Honesty, as well as professional...

Jung on Neurosis Part III

Sue Mehrtens is the author of this and all the other blog essays on this site. The opinions expressed in these essays are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of other Jungian Center faculty or Board members. Honesty, as well as professional...

Jung on Neurosis Part II

Sue Mehrtens is the author of this and all the other blog essays on this site. The opinions expressed in these essays are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of other Jungian Center faculty or Board members. Honesty, as well as professional...

Jung on Neurosis: Part I Definitions and Causes

Sue Mehrtens is the author of this and all the other blog essays on this site. The opinions expressed in these essays are her own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of other Jungian Center faculty or Board members. Honesty, as well as professional...

Will We Experience World War III? Jung’s Answer

Recently, given all the media reports on the blustering by certain heads of state threatening nuclear war, a student asked me if Jung ever spoke about the likelihood of atomic war. In fact, he was asked this exact question around 1954, in a meeting of the Psychology...

Will We Experience World War III? Jung’s Answer

Recently, given all the media reports on the blustering by certain heads of state threatening nuclear war, a student asked me if Jung ever spoke about the likelihood of atomic war. In fact, he was asked this exact question around 1954, in a meeting of the Psychology...