Reading Jung II
Via Zoom – Saturdays, 9/21, 10/19, 11/16, 12/16, 1/18, 2/15, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17; 3-5PM; (EDT/EST)
This advanced reading/discussion course continues our immersion in Jung’s work, taking up 8 of the 9 volumes we did not cover in Reading Jung I: volumes 8 (in Sept), 11 (Oct.) 15 (Nov.), 17 (Dec.), 18: Parts 1-VI (Jan.), 18: Parts VII-XVI (Feb); 9i (March); 9ii (April); 12 (May); these volumes of the Collected Works are available for free on the Jungian Center web site Pre-requisite: either participation in Reading Jung I or prior familiarity with Jung’s works. Led by Sue Mehrtens.
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