Carl Jung and Willie Nelson: Living True to Oneself

“I was turning exactly into the person I was…. I’m a man of many parts.”[1] Willie Nelson “Man can suffer only a certain amount of culture without injury.”[2] Carl Jung “The ‘integrity of the personality’ must be...

Our Inner Partner: Jung on the Anima and Animus

Our Inner Partner: Jung on the Anima and Animus “Just as outwardly we live in a world where a whole continent may be submerged at any moment, or a pole shifted, or a new pestilence break out, so inwardly we live in a world where at any moment something similar...

Jung on Family Constellations and the Alchemy of Colors

Jung on Family Constellations and the Alchemy of Colors “Patients constantly illustrate for me the determining influence of the family background on their destiny. In every neurosis we can see how the emotional environment constellated during infancy influences...

Self/self Sustenance in an Era of Trump: From MAGA to Manna

“Transitions between the aeons always seem to have been melancholy and despairing times, as for instance the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt between Taurus and Aries, or the melancholy of the Augustinian age between Aries and Pisces. And now we are moving...

Jung on the Importance of YOU

  “So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. … Is he conscious of the path he is treading, and what the conclusions are that must be drawn from the present world situation and his own psychic situation? … And...