Upcoming Courses for Winter Term 2021

Upcoming Courses for Winter Term 2021



Treasures of the World Religions continues on the 1st Tuesdays: Jan 5th, Feb 2nd & Mar 2nd, with treatment of Taoism, Christianity and Islam, respectively.


Gnosticism, Wednesdays, Jan. 6,13,20,27; 7-9PM; 7-9PM (Eastern US time) via Zoom; $60 (via PayPal or check in $US); to register, email us:

A millennia-old form of spirituality, Gnosticism has experienced a reflorescence in the last 50 years, as many ancient texts have been discovered in the Near East. This course uses both primary sources and modern commentary to present the key Gnostic teachings and the secret wisdom that lies at the heart of gnosis. Particular attention is given to Jung’s appreciation and use of Gnosticism in his work and thought. Led by Sue Mehrtens


Meeting Your Inner Partner, Wednesdays, Feb. 3,10,17,24; 7-9PM; 7-9PM (Eastern US time) via Zoom; $60 (via PayPal or check in $US); to register, email us:

One of the most important of Jung’s theories was his idea of the inner partner, the “anima” in a man, the “animus” in a woman. Part of the individuation process is becoming aware of this inner energy and how it shows up in our lives, projected on to other human beings that we are attracted to, fall in love with, marry, fight with and struggle to understand. This workshop supports students’ wising up to the qualities and nature of their anima or animus via a series of exercises and analyses of their astrological chart. Led by Sue Mehrtens


Introduction to Working with Symbols, Wednesdays, Mar 3,10,17.24; 7-9PM; (Eastern US time) via Zoom; $60 (via PayPal or check in $US); to register, email us:

A basic course designed particularly for the student of dreams, focusing on the features, functions, history and sources of symbols, types of symbols (e.g. the mandala), symbols in alchemy and methods of working with symbols that are used particularly in Jungian psychology. An excellent course for students preparing for advanced work in hermeneutics, psychology, art, art therapy and counseling. Provides 8 CEUs. Led by Sue Mehrtens


link to our December 2020 blog essay:

Jung and the Cell Phone or Why You Don’t Want to Use a Cell Phone



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Jung on America

Jung on America - a collection of essays

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What would Jung think of our "Too-Big-to-Fail" institutions? What about the idea of reparations?

These and other similar questions drawn from the daily headlines have been posed by students at the Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, and they form the substance of this book.

Jung on America

Working with Dreams: A Jungian Perspective

A short, succinct guide to Jung’s way of handling dreams, including definitions of terms, useful tools, how to foster dream recall, and techniques for interpreting dreams on the three levels Jung used.