October 2020 newsletter

29 September 2020


Dear Friends,


With the months’ long lack of rain we’ve experienced here, I was worried our foliage season would be a washout, but no! To celebrate my 75th this past weekend I shared an entourage of cars in a foliage tour around the Northeast Kingdom and the trees were glorious! Is there a more beautiful place to be in Autumn than Vermont?

The “Conscious Prosperity: Jung on Money” course begins on Sept. 30th and runs through October. That is the last course of our Fall term, as I will be spending the months of November and December learning more of the technological intricacies required to offer courses online. Sigh. I would so much prefer to be teaching than delving into tech stuff! But, in this time of long-term pandemic, we must do what we must do.

Below is the course description, which still has places available.


Conscious Prosperity: Jung on Money, Wednesdays, 9/30, 10/7,14,21, &28th; 7-9PM (Eastern US time) via Zoom; $75; to register, email us:

This course brings a Jungian perspective to bear on money, considering such topics as the “money complex,” symbols and money, archetypes and money, money and values, the link between money and the sacred, and vocation and money. Readings are drawn from a wide array of authors, Western and Eastern., but the bulk of the course consists of thought-provoking exercises. Aware that the pandemic has caused widespread economic hardship, we don’t want financial circumstances to hinder someone from taking our courses. We welcome email conversations from anyone who would need a reduction in the usual fee. Led by Sue Mehrtens


Looking ahead, our Winter 2021 term begins on January 5th, with the 5th session of the Treasures of the World’s Religions. “Introduction to Gnosticism” begins on January 6th (& 13,20 & 27th), followed by “Meeting Your Inner Partner” (Feb 3,10,17 & 24th) and “Introduction to Symbolism” (Mar 3,10,17 & 24th).


If the coming months seem fraught, Jung reminds us that “There is only one certainty – nothing can put out the light within.”


Stay well!



link to our October blog essay:



our November blog essay will be posted several days later than usual, as I learn how to post the essay as a pdf, so we will never have Word Press mess up the formatting again!











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Jung on America

Jung on America - a collection of essays

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What would Jung think of our "Too-Big-to-Fail" institutions? What about the idea of reparations?

These and other similar questions drawn from the daily headlines have been posed by students at the Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, and they form the substance of this book.

Jung on America

Working with Dreams: A Jungian Perspective

A short, succinct guide to Jung’s way of handling dreams, including definitions of terms, useful tools, how to foster dream recall, and techniques for interpreting dreams on the three levels Jung used.