30 September 2018
Dear Friends,
As I write this, the temperature suggests Fall, but the foliage is showing no signs of color, the result, perhaps, of the drought. But October is upon us, and with it, the last two courses of our Fall 2018 term:
Introduction to Alchemy, Wednesdays 10/3,10,17,24; 7-9PM; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury; $60; to register call Sue (802) 244-7909.
Most people think of the precursor of modern chemistry when they hear the word “alchemy,” but this course is true to Jungian philosophy in recognizing alchemy as the study of soul growth and patterns of change and transformation. Jung’s “Psychology of the Transference” and von Franz’s Alchemy are the major vehicles used to take students deep into the subject, supplemented by other essays by Jung and Edward Edinger’s Anatomy of the Psyche. Led by Sue Mehrtens. Note: This course is a prerequisite for the Edible Alchemy course which will run in the Spring 2019 term.
Ethics for the Aquarian Age, Wednesdays 10/31,11/7,14,28th ; 7-9PM; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury; $60; to register call Sue (802) 244-7909.
We are living in a time when both political and social realities are challenging, even contravening, ethical standards. Jung had a lot to say about our collective evolution and its implications for ethics. This course examines what it means to live ethically and how our current situation provides a goad for us to develop morally and ethically, aligned with the emerging Aquarian consciousness. Readings, discussions and exercises are included.
Our Women’s Health and Healing course continues, with a discussion of Ann Mankowitz’ Change of Life on October 4th. If you are interested in joining this course, contact me for a copy of the book.
I hope you have a wonderful month and a very happy Halloween!
Link to October blog essay: