October 2016 newsletter

October 2016

Dear Friends,


Coming up this month we have the Introduction to Jung course:


Introduction to Jung, Wednesdays, 10/5,12,19,26; 7-9PM; $60; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury. To register, call Sue (802) 244-7909.


Connie Livingston is launching a new program. For details about it, contact her at:

JOIN the Passion And Purpose Create A Career You Love Community:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/PassionAndPurposeCreateACareerYouLove/


Looking ahead, I want to make a special appeal for Susan Ackerman’s course coming up in November. Several students told me last Spring that they would have liked to take this course, but the timing was off and that November would work better. So, here it is! I hope we get a good enrollment as Susan has worked hard to create it and will provide a learning experience that is both rich and inspiring.


Messages from Nature: Saturday, 11/19, 9AM to Noon; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury; $35; to register, call Sue (802) 244-7909.

The symbols that surround us in Nature and the Seasons are messages, exciting clues that help us understand what we need to know now in our lives. In this workshop we examine ways to recognize and interpret symbols from Nature that help us move forward in positive ways, in a format that combines beautiful Nature photography and discussion. Led by Susan Ackerman, M.A.T., M.Ed, counselor, writer, astrologer, photographer and teacher with over 30 years’ experience in the study and interpretation of symbols. She is the author of Beginnings and Endings, The Gift of Time and Ella’s Journey from Sadness to Hope.


In response to a student’s question, the November 10th follow-up meeting for those who have taken the Life Mission course is for those who have done the homework and want to discuss it. Absent doing the homework, there would not be much purpose for a student to come, as it would not be very useful. The Life Mission course is one of those where doing the homework is the whole course. You can’t be told what your life mission is; you can’t read it in a book; you must work at it. IF you have done the homework and plan to come, please let me know.

Work on another book recently led me to look back to the course list of the Jungian Center, to see what I have offered over the ten-plus years we’ve been in operation. The list follows below, with an * indicating those courses that provide CEUs. How many of these courses have you taken? Any that appeal? Any that you would like to see offered in the future? If so, let me know.


I hope you have a wonderful October.





Jungian Center Courses by General Subject




Archetypes in Synastry

Astrology I

Astrology II

Astrology III

Medical Astrology


spirituality/spiritual growth related:

Afterlife Journey of the Soul

Bible Study I, II & III

Creation of Consciousness*

Death and Dying

Esoteric Christianity

Intro to Cabala

Intro to Esoterica

Intro to Gnosticism

Intro to Meditation

Intro to Spiritual Philosophy

Intro to the Spiritual Sciences

Listening to Spiritual Guidance*

The New Dispensation

Original Christianity

Treasures of the World’s Religions

Women’s Spirituality




Dreamwork Intensive for Therapists*

Intro to Dreamwork*

Jungian Dream Theory*

Psychology of Dreaming*




Archetypal Psychology*

Conscious Prosperity

Doing Change

Esoteric Ethics

Fairy Tales*

Intro to Jung*

Jung and Creativity

Jung and Ufos

Jung and the Native American Tradition

Jung and the New Science

Jungian Dream Theory*

Jungian Parenting

Making Good Choices

Mandala workshop

Meeting Your Inner Partner*

The Path of Individuation*

Seth and Jung on the Nature of Personal Reality

The Shadow*

Working with Symbols*

The World Weary Woman


technique/practical skills-related:

Conscious Prosperity: Jung on Money

Developing Spiritual Literacy

Developing Your Intuition*

Doing Change

Honing Your High Sense Perception

Instructor Training

Intro to Dreamwork*

Intro to Meditation

Intro to the Mantic Arts

Making Good Choices

Preparing Your Kitbag

Working with Symbols*



courses looking to the future/helping us prepare for the future:


Finding Your Mission in Life

Investment Seminar

Preparing Your Kitbag

Retirement Planning










Shop Our Books

Jung on America

Jung on America - a collection of essays

Order Now

What would Jung think of our "Too-Big-to-Fail" institutions? What about the idea of reparations?

These and other similar questions drawn from the daily headlines have been posed by students at the Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, and they form the substance of this book.

Jung on America

Working with Dreams: A Jungian Perspective

A short, succinct guide to Jung’s way of handling dreams, including definitions of terms, useful tools, how to foster dream recall, and techniques for interpreting dreams on the three levels Jung used.