July 2021
Dear Friends,
To my delight and amazement, our summer program, “Tools for Empowerment,” proved to be very popular–so much so that I had to close the enrollment! Jung had no use for “big.” “Small is beautiful” could have been his motto. So I will plan to offer the program again at some time in the future. Watch for our monthly newsletters for the dates.
Our Fall term begins on September 1st, with an exciting array of courses, from mine (a “trifecta” on the family–mother, father and Jungian parenting, plus two year-long courses on becoming conscious and developing empathy), to several by new faculty members, Kesstan Blandin, Kimia Maleki, and Susan Jenczka. The list, with specifics as to dates and fees, will appear on August 1st. All these will run via Zoom, as many of us–both students and faculty–are now located all over the world.
At our Board meeting in June the Board agreed to continue our flexible fee policy, aware that many currencies are not on par with the U.S. dollar. So we welcome email conversations from anyone who would need a reduction in the usual fee.
I hope you have an enjoyable, healthy, safe July.
The link to our July blog essay: