January 2022 newsletter

December 31, 2021


Dear Friends,


Another year is about to begin, and while we cannot know for certain just what it will hold, we can note below the courses we plan to offer in the month of January 2022:


Romance and Your Stars, Wednesdays, 1/5,12,19,26,,2/2; 7-9PM; via Zoom; $75 (via PayPal or check in $US); to register, email us:

Registration is limited to 10; there are still a few spots available.

A link for the Zoom sessions will be sent to all registrants via email. Recordings of the session will be made available to all registered participants.


Endings, Completions and Closings, Tuesday, 1/25; 7-8:30PM EST; via Zoom; $15 (via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, or check in $US); to register, email Kimia:

Becoming clear and accepting challenges and obstacles of 2021 to realign with your higher self in 2022. Led by Kimia Maleki

A link for the Zoom session will be sent to all registrants via email. Recordings of the session will be made available to all registered participants.


The 3 year-long courses–Becoming Conscious of the Unconscious, Honing Our Empathy, and Journey into Consciousness and Stewarding–continue, with their January meetings on 1/4, 1/6 and 1/20 respectively.

I hope you have a safe and healthy New Year and 2021.





link to our January blog essay:

Living Alchemy–the Coagulatio


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Jung on America

Jung on America - a collection of essays

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What would Jung think of our "Too-Big-to-Fail" institutions? What about the idea of reparations?

These and other similar questions drawn from the daily headlines have been posed by students at the Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, and they form the substance of this book.

Jung on America

Working with Dreams: A Jungian Perspective

A short, succinct guide to Jung’s way of handling dreams, including definitions of terms, useful tools, how to foster dream recall, and techniques for interpreting dreams on the three levels Jung used.