UFOs, as projections, 27, 34, 51, 66, 70, 99
UFOs, Jung on, 164
UFOs, Jung's essay on, press interviews on, 151
UFOs, Jung's fascination with, 155
UFOs, Jung's investigation of, 143, 164, 176
Ukraine, war in, 51
ultimate things, as unknowable, 35
ultimate truth, claims of, as a sign of archetypes having taken possession of thinking,130
ultra-civilized man, the life, as one-sided and unnatural, 113
Uluru, as sacred, 33, note 41
umma, definition of the, 117 & note 93; 125
unanswerable question, archetypes constellated in response to the, 125
unashamed utopians, as pioneers of human liberation, 171
unbalanced life, of the financier, 131
unbearable, bearing the, as a challenge, 178
unbreathable air, as an element of climate chaos, 77
Uncertainty Principle, the, 29
uncertainty, 34
uncertainty, as an important value in science, 143
unconscious anxiety, Self symbols as compensatory to, 176
unconscious beliefs, 10
unconscious community life, as a deadly peril to the soul, 123
unconscious compensations, the production of, as a spontaneous process, 129
unconscious complexes, the autonomy of, 72
unconscious complexes, the production of, by psychic wounds, 177
unconscious condition, dissociation from the, 41
unconscious content, differentiation of, 28
unconscious content, the projection of, 35
unconscious contents, as the basis for functional neuroses, 96
unconscious contents, assimiliation of, 90, 91, 109
unconscious contents, canalization of, into consciousness, 52
unconscious contents, constellation of, 42
unconscious contents, need of to be analyzed, 16
unconscious contents, projection of, 14, 43
unconscious contents, realization of, 41
unconscious contents, the dangers of, 149
unconscious creative activity, dreams as the undisguised manifestations of, 90
unconscious driving forces, the canalization of, 99
unconscious fantasies, 20
unconscious fears, manipulation of, 44
unconscious forces, list of, 158
unconscious humanity, as connecting all people, 145
unconscious identity, rising out of, 93
unconscious images, respect for, 53, 90
unconscious impulses, myths as manifestations of, 108
unconscious insecurities, 14
unconscious man, the, role of the, 27
unconscious material, sources for, 129
unconscious opposite, the emergence of the, 135
unconscious parental complexes, 19
unconscious potentialities, the activation of, as productive of dreams, 90
unconscious processes, myths giving expression to, 108
unconscious processes, the need to merge into, 129
unconscious progressiveness, the, and the conscious regressiveness, as a pair, 90
unconscious promptings, examples of, 101
unconscious psyche, the, living units of, 22, 28
unconscious psychic factors, as the rulers of mankind, 88
unconscious psychic happenings, submersion in, 50
unconscious reactions, our vulnerability to, 52
unconscious relationship, the, between analyst and analysand, as important, 57
unconscious resentments, in men, 37
unconscious self-regulation, Jung's discovery of Nature's, 104
unconscious unity, as the initial state of personal reality, 132
unconscious, access to the, as valuable, 110
unconscious, alienation from the, by financiers, 131
unconscious, as reflecting the face we turn toward it, 170
unconscious, attitude of, depending on our attitude to it. 18
unconscious, becoming conscious of the, 28
unconscious, being open to the, 41
unconscious, coming to terms with the, as part of psychological truth, 130
unconscious, common contents in the, 174
unconscious, compensation in the, 135
unconscious, confrontation with the, features of, 30
unconscious, contact with the, as healing addictions, 115
unconscious, dis-alliance with the, leading to loss of instinct and ruthlessness, 174
unconscious, dissociation from the, 35
unconscious, forms of expression by the, 6
unconscious, gaining insight into the attitude of the, 91
unconscious, ignoring contents from the, as a cause of anger, 173
unconscious, impersonal collective components in the, 174
unconscious, Jung giving attention to the, 69
unconscious, Jung's confrontation with the, 70
unconscious, Jung's years of wrestling with the, 167
unconscious, need of, to express itself, 16
unconscious, overcoming the fear of, as a moral achievement, 174
unconscious, promptings from the, 6
unconscious, re-perceiving the, as important, 174
unconscious, separating from the, in a positive way, 135
unconscious, state of, as unfree, 16
unconscious, the acceptance of, 113
unconscious, the activation of the, by rigorous solitude, 100
unconscious, the activity of, as image-creation, 90
unconscious, the analysis of the, 16
unconscious, the attitude of the, response of the, 52
unconscious, the capacity of the, to work miracles, 168
unconscious, the circumambulation of the, 54
unconscious, the collaboration of the, 5
unconscious, the compensating powers of the, 30
unconscious, the compensatory orientation of the, 129, 162
unconscious, the competing powers of the, examples of, 88
unconscious, the complementary, compensating function of the, 111
unconscious, the conflict of, with consciousness, 6
unconscious, the confrontation with the, 30
unconscious, the conscious mind preserving its light with the, via the anamnesis, 177
unconscious, the contents of the, 6, 30
unconscious, the contents of the, Jung’s list of, 174
unconscious, the contents of, appearing in outer life, as moods and phobias, 174
unconscious, the counter-impulse in the, 162
unconscious, the counter-position in the, 113
unconscious, the darkness of the, 41
unconscious, the deep collective level of the, 174
unconscious, the demands of, ways of responding to, 129
unconscious, the depths of the, 52
unconscious, the discovery of the, as requiring the fulfillment of a spiritual task, 117
unconscious, the discovery of, requirements for the, 65
unconscious, the driving forces in the, 31
unconscious, the dynamism of, 14
unconscious, the energies in the, flowing in pathological directions, 52
unconscious, the experience of, as a personal secret, causing isolation, 95
unconscious, the experience of, as a reality, requiring courage, 174
unconscious, the fact of the, 52
unconscious, the fantasies of the, as effective, 127
unconscious, the features of the, 162
unconscious, the functions of the, 162
unconscious, the fundamental structure of the, immunity of the, 138
unconscious, the goals of the, 174
unconscious, the guidance of the, 11
unconscious, the harsh face of, 90
unconscious, the hints from the, 12
unconscious, the immutable structure of the, 5
unconscious, the impersonal forces in, fear of the, 52
unconscious, the importance of the, 1
unconscious, the inclusion of the, 27, 85
unconscious, the independent activity of the, 90, 122
unconscious, the insights of, being open to, 154
unconscious, the integration of the, 30
unconscious, the inundation of the, 5
unconscious, the investment of the libido in the, 99
unconscious, the living connection to the, 81
unconscious, the mask of, as not rigid, 174
unconscious, the mentality of the, 90
unconscious, the mentality of, as instinctive, 174
unconscious, the messages of the, as important, 91
unconscious, the mood as reflecting contents and tendencies of the, 128
unconscious, the nature of the, 174
unconscious, the need of, for a god, 57
unconscious, the need to be open to the, 189
unconscious, the opening of the, as an outbreak of intense spiritual suffering, 119
unconscious, the overpowering pull of the, 57
unconscious, the overtaking of the conscious mind by, 31
unconscious, the paralyzing grip of the, 40
unconscious, the personal, contents of, 88
unconscious, the powers of the, 6
unconscious, the primal world of the, confronted by the Gnostics, 176
unconscious, the projection of the, 28
unconscious, the psychology of the, 2, 61
unconscious, the psychology of the, as a 20th century feature, 159
unconscious, the psychology of the, not amenable to popular treatment, 126
unconscious, the reactions of the, provided by dreams, 90
unconscious, the realm of the, 13
unconscious, the rejection of, having unfortunate results, 174
unconscious, the relation of the individual to the, 38
unconscious, the repression of the, consequences of, 113
unconscious, the resources of the, 79
unconscious, the self-image buried in the, 62
unconscious, the sinister side of the, 134
unconscious, the slow integration of the, as a good approach, 117
unconscious, the so-called irreality of, 127
unconscious, the soul as a personification of the, 169
unconscious, the striving of the, 6
unconscious, the structure of, 28, 108
unconscious, the suppression of the, by creeds, 138
unconscious, the tendencies of the, 6
unconscious, the transformation of the, 16
unconscious, the translation of the, 3, 31
unconscious, the treasures in the, 9
unconscious, the trend of the, 109
unconscious, the undervaluation of the, 35
unconscious, the withdrawal of libido by the, 9
unconscious, the workings of the, 40
unconscious, the, appreciation for the presence and role of the, 174
unconscious, the, archetypes expressing the, 118
unconscious, the, as a complexio oppositorum, 174
unconscious, the, as a limitless storehouse of creativity and vitality, 174
unconscious, the, as a psychological borderline concept, 174
unconscious, the, as a real factor in determining human behavior, 115
unconscious, the, as a reality that is both good and bad, 174
unconscious, the, as a rich source of creativity, insight and revitalization, 170
unconscious, the, as a self-regulating inner mechanism, 174
unconscious, the, as a very useful guide and source for vast possibilities, 174
unconscious, the, as alienated from the conscious, 113
unconscious, the, as an autonomous psychic system compensating biases, 104
unconscious, the, as an avenging pursuer, 93
unconscious, the, as beyond all cognition, 162
unconscious, the, as compensatory, 174
unconscious, the, as continuously irritated, 141
unconscious, the, as dangerous if the conscious attitude is negative, 174
unconscious, the, as depreciated in Western culture, 174
unconscious, the, as holding the wisdom and experience of uncounted centuries, 174
unconscious, the, as independent and sufficient unto itself, 174
unconscious, the, as Jane Wheelwright’s authority, 45, 47
unconscious, the, as more powerful than the conscious mind, 174
unconscious, the, as neutral, with an antinomial character, 174
unconscious, the, as never resting, always at work, supplying us with images, 174
unconscious, the, as our help from within, 123
unconscious, the, as regarded as an apparition, 115
unconscious, the, as ruthless, only when the conscious attitude is pretentious, 174
unconscious, the, as source for advice, 16
unconscious, the, as speaking the truth, 174
unconscious, the, as supra-personal, 106
unconscious, the, as the objective psyche, 158
unconscious, the, as the powers of darkness, 119
unconscious, the, as the source of creativity, 168
unconscious, the, as the source of inner riches, 121
unconscious, the, as the source of myths, 108
unconscious, the, as the source of numbers, 112
unconscious, the, as the source of vitality and renewal, 111
unconscious, the, as the spirit we cannot control, 123
unconscious, the, as unifier, 18
unconscious, the, attending to, 16
unconscious, the, aversion to, 52
unconscious, the, becoming conscious of, 83, 84, 117
unconscious, the, break down into the, 45
unconscious, the, causes for disturbances in, 94
unconscious, the, compensatory nature of, 25
unconscious, the, consciousness of, 65
unconscious, the, contacting via creativity, 16
unconscious, the, definitions of, 174
unconscious, the, ego sinking into the, 24
unconscious, the, ego’s lack of control over, 22
unconscious, the, engagement with, 76
unconscious, the, enlisting the support of the, 109
unconscious, the, entering, as touching nature from the inside, 68
unconscious, the, features of, 30
unconscious, the, Freud's negative view of, 111
unconscious, the, gifts from, 35
unconscious, the, horror of, 52
unconscious, the, impersonal forces in, 52
unconscious, the, inhibited by the conscious mind, 6
unconscious, the, intervention of, 5
unconscious, the, Jane’s deep personal experience of, 46
unconscious, the, Jung’s confrontation with, 46
unconscious, the, Jung’s descriptions of, 174
unconscious, the, Jung's definition of, 162, 174
unconscious, the, Jung's interest in, 143
unconscious, the, knowledge of, 52
unconscious, the, lack of differentiation in, 42
unconscious, the, maintaining an ongoing relationship with, 57, 91
unconscious, the, need to listen to, 9
unconscious, the, numbers as a spontaneous product of the, 112
unconscious, the, openness to the, making life better, 174
unconscious, the, reactions of, to experimental living, 82
unconscious, the, ruminations from, 47
unconscious, the, sensitivity to, in old age, 47
unconscious, the, speaking to, 5
unconscious, the, split off from consciousness, 40
unconscious, the, striving to maintain a psychic equilibrium within us, 174
unconscious, the, the need to respect the tendency of, 103
unconscious, the, the via regia to, 22
unconscious, the, ways to diligently observe the, 115
unconscious, the, women closer to, than men, 48
unconscious, the, working in partnership with the, 54
unconsciousness, acting out of, as producing ineffective actions, 173
unconsciousness, as a cause for odd behavior, 188
unconsciousness, as a dark hole, 57
unconsciousness, as a sin, 145
unconsciousness, as a source of evil, 99
unconsciousness, as a threat from within, 117
unconsciousness, as the alchemical lead, 183
unconsciousness, as the most serious cause of our current problems, 117
unconsciousness, mutual, 57
unconsciousness, orientation of, 40
unconsciousness, the approaching of, 42
unconsciousness, the concept of, psychological and philosophical meanings of, 174
unconsciousness, the easier road of, as a threat to the soul, 123
unconsciousness, the implications of, 187, 188
unconsciousness, the lead of, changing into the gold of higher consciousness, 132
unconsciousness, the pull into, in large crowds, 84
understanding, the source of, as experience, 143
understanding, types of, 29, 64, 91, 103
underworld, our inner darkness, 121
underworld, the redemption of a psychic from the, 67
undeveloped mind, the, lifting of, as a task, 114
undeveloped personality, hidden in neurosis, 109
undifferentiated human consciousness, the trickster as, 58
undoing of the planet, from coldly objective, profit oriented rationality, 48
une créance, Swiss law about, for divorced women, 73
unfalsified material, dreams providing, 90
ungroundedness, 92, 104
Unibomber, the, as a shadow figure, 166
Unidentified Flying Objects (Ufos), 7, 34
Unidentified Flying Objects, Jung's essay on, 27
unification, commitment to being a force for, 175
unification, the process of, 27
unio mentalis, definition of, 123
unio mentalis, fostering of, 25
unio mystica, as the alchemical coniunctio, 57, 108
union of opposites, as the task for the individual human being, 82
union of opposites, the constellation of the problem of the, 155
union, nonphysical processes of, 57
union, seeking closer, to ward off danger, 125
union, symbols of processes of, 57
union, the coniunctio as the archetype of, 30
unique life, living a, encouragement of, in adults, 85
uniqueness, as one's jewel, 16, 52
uniqueness, recognition of our, as our soul task, 178
unitary world, the, 29
United Nations Economic and Social Council, the, Jung's memo to, 131
United Nations, 10
United Press International, Jung's statement on UFOs to the, 164, 176
United States Capitol, 11
United States Coast Guard, the, 60
United States Energy Information Administration, 14, note 39
United States, as awash in potential psychic energy, 31
United States, as ethnocentric, 8
United States, as the most wasteful society, 10
United States, as the world's glutton, 14
United States, blindness of, 8
United States, confrontation of, with the Soviet Union, 76
United States, living through a fated interval now, 93
United States, myths of, 8
United States, national ideals of, 8
United States, special destiny of, 8
United States, the coastlines of, as disappearing, 77
United States, the exceptionally negative history of, 31
United States, the foolishness of, 31
United States, the future of the, 8
United States, the government actions of, creating karma, 145, 147 & note 24; 186
United States, the large population of the, as a danger, 128
United States, the open social structure of the, 8
United States, the psychic epidemic of mass murders in, 125
United States, the, as an anocracy now, 101 & note 38
United States, the, as especially prone to delusion, due to its disparagement of history, 88
United States, the, as unconscious, needing an external threat to carry its shadow, 76
United States, the, playing by its own rules, 184
United Way, the, 10, note 43
uniting symbols, features of, 35
Unity School of Christianity, 34
unity, 16, 21, 63, 79
unity, separation from the initial, making two, 132, 178
universal god-man, the vitalizing image of the, 79
universal laws, list of, 171, note 53
universal mandatory recycling, 171
universal origins, knowledge, as a bridge builder between past and future, 177
universalisms, the clash of, 83 & note 72
universality, mutually exclusive claims for, 147
universality, the death of, 120
Universe, as benign, 35
universe, man's need to find a place in the, 94
universities, organization of, 29, 66 & note 56
universities, the role of, in fostering change, 160
University of Basel, Jung's attendance at, 69, 72, 81
University of Vermont, 20
University of Zürich, Jung teaching at, 66, notes 7 & 29
unknowable, the, paradox doing justice to the, 114
unknowableness, as an inherent part of mystery, 114
unknowing, clouds of, 5
unknowing, the space of, in this transitional time, 160
unknown, fear of the, 150
unknown, the fascinating attraction of the, 52
unknown, the, appearance of, 30
Unknown, the, Jung's leaving things to the, 150
unlearning, requirement of, in creating a meaningful life, 94
unlived life, men incarnating their, 53, 104
unlived life, the influence of the parents', on the child, 140, 153
unlived life, the, serious consequences of the, 140
unpopular things, Jung's attraction to, 143, 164, 176, 183 & note 57
unprejudiced functioning, definition of, 42
unprejudiced objectivity, Jung's definition of, 119
unreliable caregiving, the consequences of, 54
unseen factors, humans as the objects of, 117
unseen world, the, initiation into, 52
unus mundus, awareness of the, 160, 164
unus mundus, recognition of, 30, 61
Upanishads, the, as a pillar of the bridge of the spirit, 169
upending experience, impact of, 30, 44
upending moment, as a feature of waking up, 179, 188
uplift, opportunities for spiritual emotional or psychic, in creative activities, 47
upsets, as symptoms of faulty adaptation to the inner world, 153
upward mobility, 8
Uranus transit opposing natal Uranus, as the classic midlife indicator, 86
Uranus transit, as a timer, 24, note 38; 85
Uranus, as a timer of the sublimatio, 159, note 23; 170, note 2; 183
Uranus, as jealous, 52
Uranus, castration of, 52
Uranus, hard aspects to, 36
Uranus-Kronos-Zeus story, the, 52
us/them tendency, the, 10
useful truths, as experiences, 130
Ussher, James, 29, note 14
utilitarian truth, of the empiricist, 130
utilitarian values, in materialism, 156
utilitarianism, 2
utility, as a key element in Jung's definition of truth, 130
utility, as Jung's criterion of truth, 35
utopia, 31
Utopias, bloodless, 28, 134
Utopias, projections as, 28