
Naess, Arne, 181, note 73

Nag Hammadi codices, the discovery of, 176

Nagasaki, 122

Nagler, Michael, quoting the mystic Wilfred Long, 160

naïve mind, alarms of the, 6

naked reality, as the start of true education, 60

name-giving, the Jungian analyst’s ability in, 42

Napoleon, dreams of, as compensation for arrogance, 162

Napoleon, in the grip of the daimon, 40, 56

Narcissism and Character Transformation, 52

narcissism epidemic, the four vectors of, 56

narcissism, 10, 14, 22, 56, 60, 72, 94

narcissism, definitions of, 56

narcissism, etymology of, 56

narcissism, Trump illustrating, 159

narcissist, Jung’s definition of, 56

narcissist, the, lacking perspective, 56

narcissist, the, success of, 56

narcissist, the, traits of, 56

narcissistic leaders, worst, features of, 56

narcissistic pathology, treatment method for, 52

narcissistic personality disorder, 52, 56

narcissistic personality, signs of a, 72

narcissistic rallies, 99

narcissists, the weak ego structure of, 72

Narcissus, the myth of, 56

Naropa University, 34

narrow horizon, the, of professors, 66

Naskapi Indians, concept of Mista-peo of, 121, note 46; 150, note 41

Naskapi Indians, the, 30, note 10

Nasser, Gamel Abdel, dream of, to restore the caliphate, 125, note 54

natal chart, psychological insights in the, 36, note 3; 54, 86, 93, 103

nation states, the system of, as fostering projection of the shadow, 166

nation, the poisoning of, by politics, 131

National Arts Foundation, the, 1

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 37 & note 27

National Center for Health Statistics, 21, note 79

national credo, of the United States, 8

National Guard, mobilization of, 10

national karma, the clearing of, 171

National Library of Medicine, web site of, 9

National Organization of Women (NOW), 37 & note 24

national psyche, the incarnation of the, 102

National Socialism, as a pernicious ideology, 125, 175

national temperament, variability of, 125

national values, the bankruptcy of, 79

nationalism, 10, 31

nationalism, as an atavism, 183 & note 18

nationality, as divisive, 79

nations, renewal of the spirit of, beginning with a change in attitude of the individual, 190

nations, the fate and destiny of, 93

Native American spirituality, the interest in, 34, 62 & note 22

Native American tribes, 16, 37

Native American wisdom, as light, consciousness and meaning, 124, 145, 184 & note 41; 186

native culture, the unspoken assumptions of our, as influential, 125

Native languages, as relational, 160

native peoples, as domestic dependent nations, 145, 148, 184

native peoples, the decimation of, causing guilt, 145

native peoples, the United States breaking over 400 treaties with its, 184

native populations, the disempowerment of, 148

native tribes, the systematic destruction of, by the U.S. government, 149, note 47

natura abscondita (hidden nature), definition of, 52, 104

natural development, the laws of, 41

natural disasters, no longer "natural," as an element of climate chaos, 77

natural female strengths, enumeration of, by Jane Wheelwright, 48

natural instincts, the world of, 43

natural law, the statistical character of, 106

natural laws, the contravention of, 59

natural life, the cycles of, 135

natural lumen, the, 33

natural man, the, earthbound rationality of, 43, 104

natural needs, ignorance of, 13

natural processes, as defying meticulous measurement, 143

natural science, growth of, 28, 29

natural sciences, Jung's college major in, 181

natural secrets, translation of, 30

natural systems, as complex, 104

natural transformation processes, awareness of, 104

natural unfoldment, the timetable of, 52, 54

natural world, control over the, 13

nature of evil, fear of knowing the, 52

nature of man, deeper insight into the, 113

nature within us, awareness of, 107

Nature, alienation of Western people from, 24, 104

Nature, alignment with, 9

nature, Americans' divorce from, as a cause of drug abuse, 115

Nature, answering out of her fullness, 104

nature, as a soul-less "gigantic toolshed," 104 & note 36; 120

Nature, as a source of solace in grieving, 25

nature, as a whole essence with soul, 104

nature, as alarming in her truth, 104

Nature, as an incomparable guide, 68, 104

nature, as being de-psychized, 104

nature, as clean and healing, 104

Nature, as cleansing, 68

nature, as cultivated now, not lived in alignment with, 104

nature, as dominated by the civilized intellect, 104

nature, as experimental, developing new species, 104

Nature, as God for Jane, 46

nature, as illuminating, 104

nature, as impersonal and amoral. 104

nature, as recycling, creating the potential for new developments, 104

nature, as spirit and matter, 104

nature, as the great-grandmother, to whom we must yield, 104

Nature, as trustworthy, 104

nature, as two-faced, with positive and negative side, 104

nature, as within us, 104

Nature, assistance of, in global messages, 10

Nature, change in, as evolution, 37

Nature, contact with, as a part of soul tending, 123, 130, 142, 143 & note 90; 144 & note 29; 148-150, 154, 156, 157, 160, 173, 176, 181, 183

Nature, control over, 10, 37

nature, deeper, the quieter voices of our, 26

Nature, definitions of, 104

nature, defying the laws of, the conse quences of, 104

Nature, demands of, 30

nature, de-spiritualized, by science, 104

Nature, effective forms of control over, 59

Nature, exploitation of, 31

Nature, features of, 104

Nature, functions of, 104

nature, getting right with, as our only hope. 104

Nature, giving time to, so she may mother us, 104

nature, harmonizing of, with culture, 109

Nature, identification with objects in, 28, note 14

Nature, investigation of, from the outside and the inside, 104

Nature, Jung’s appreciation for, 68

Nature, Jung's definitions of, 104

Nature, Jung's love of, 60

Nature, laws of, 13, 80

nature, listening to the voice of, speaking from the unconscious, 55

Nature, living as part of, Jung's advice about, 104

Nature, living close to, 16

Nature, living in alignment with, 22, 104

nature, locales of, 104

nature, mistreatment of, hampering her functions, 104

nature, negative features of, 104

nature, operating within the laws of, as prudent, 104

Nature, our disregard for, 59

Nature, participation mystique with, 63 & note 5

nature, recognition of our inferiority to, 120

nature, relying on, definition of, 104

Nature, returning to a condition of being right with, 94

nature, reversal of one's, 30

Nature, rhythm of, 13

nature, science ignoring the possibilities in, 104

nature, scientific investigation of, 29

Nature, spokespersons for, 45

nature, taming of, futility of, 45

Nature, the abuse of, 59

Nature, the arrogance of thinking we can control, 118

nature, the better angels of our, 31

Nature, the desecration of, 120

Nature, the dislike of, for secrets, 95

Nature, the erroneous belief we are superior to, 107

Nature, the goal of, behind problems, 104

Nature, the healing power of, 16, 33, 60, 68

nature, the imperious demands of, 104

nature, the intention of, that we live with temporal awareness, 104

nature, the irrationality of, 104

Nature, the laws of, 10, 47

nature, the psychic manifestations of, 104

nature, the real identity with, 94

Nature, the rhythms of, 24

nature, the split in man's, as morbid, 119

nature, the superhuman power of, 104

Nature, the three powers of, 52

Nature, the total description of, 29

nature, the work of, to rebalance one-sidedness and heal complexes, 104

Nature, the workings of, as restricted, 120

nature, true, alignment with our, 49

nature, Western man's relationship to, 120

Nature, women identifying with, 37, 48

Nature's wisdom, alignment with, 94

nature-spirits, the existence of, 128

naturopathy, 62

Nazi Germany, as receiver of collective shadow projections, 166, 182

Nazis, the, 52

Nazism, 44

NDE, Jung's description of his, 161

near-death experience (NDE), 12, 26, 33, 34, 36, 62 & note 17

need for mind-altering substances, 15

Needleman, Jacob, alienation of, from scientism, 144

needs, confusion about, 36

negation, 51

negative animus, the definition of, 47, 61

negative complex, as a goad, 22

negative emotions, neutralization of, with humor, 67

negative energies, unbridled, protection from, 57

negative father complex, impact of, on assessments of men, 52

negative father complex, the, 188

negative feelings, examples of, 16, 35

negative mother complex, the, 22

negative parental complex, causes for, from early life situations, 173

negative parental complexes, 61

negative value, Jung's definition of, 143

negatives, re-perceiving as positives, 179

negatives, the analysand anticipating a host of, 57

negativity, repression of, making it more powerful, 170

negativity, slipping into, 43

negentropic, definition of, 156, 157

negligence, as failure to adapt to the inner world, 153

Negro oppression, examples of, 126

Negro servant, the laughter of, 67

Negro spirituals, Jung's enjoyment of, 70

Negro, the evolution of the word, 38

Negroes, dreams of, supporting Jung's hypothesis of the collective unconscious, 38

Negroes, the religious character of, 38

neo-cons, the, 8

neoliberal economics, an in-depth critique of, 171, note 58

neoliberal laissez-faire system, the, 50

Neoplatonism, 34

neoPythagoreans, the, the alchemists' drawing on, 181

Neptune, as a timer, 25, note 16; 62, noye 13

Neptune, hard aspects to, 36

Neptune, in Aquarius, features of, in collective society, 82

Neptune, link of, to substance abuse, 92

Neptune, sign of, as clues to the nature of the times, examples of, 82

Neptune, transits of, signaling a shift in collective consciousness, 82

nerve conduction, as both "wet" and "dry," 60, note 63

Netherlands, the flood of, Jung's response to a question about, 125, note 3

Neumann, Erich, 2, 16, 33

Neumann, Erich, Jung's advice to, 124, 134 & note 123; 160, note 26; 165, 166

Neuroscience Research Program, oral history of the, 60, note 63

neuroses, curing of, by the Self, 121, 123, 134, 140, 143, 162, 179

neuroses, sources of, 15, 22, 52, 57, 74, 109-111

neurosis, an acute compulsion, causes for, 109

neurosis, and accidents, 192

neurosis, as a defense against the activity of the psyche, 109

neurosis, as a failure of adaptation, 109

neurosis, as a key theme in Jung's work and writings, 109

neurosis, as a splitting of personality, 109

neurosis, as a transitory phase, 109

neurosis, as an incentive to probe the unconscious, 110

neurosis, as an inner cleavage, 119

neurosis, as both negative and positive, 109

neurosis, as more common in Protestants and Jews than in Catholics, 81

neurosis, as punishment for an immoral attitude, 109

neurosis, as self-division, 109

neurosis, as teleologically oriented, 110

neurosis, as the hallmark of civilized man, 109

neurosis, cause of, 36, 53, 109, 113, 119

neurosis, criticism driving the patient deeper into his, 119

neurosis, definitions of, 109

neurosis, etymology of, 109

neurosis, features of, 28, 110, 119

neurosis, Freud's definition of, 109

neurosis, healing of, in analysis, 30

neurosis, in the older person, 24

neurosis, in the young person, 24

neurosis, Jung’s curing of, 57

neurosis, Jung's definition of, 109, 119

neurosis, Jung's political theory of, 117

neurosis, origins of, 52

neurosis, powerful psychic influences behind the, 111

neurosis, sexual etiology of, as too narrow, 43

neurosis, skewed thinking caused by, 110

neurosis, the aetiology of the, shown by initial dreams, 90

neurosis, the contemporary, defined, 109

neurosis, the cure of, 109, 119

neurosis, the etiology of, 54

neurosis, the general, of our age, 109

neurosis, the pathology of, 56

neurosis, the positive features of, 110

neurosis, the possibility of, 43

neurosis, the prognosis of, seen in dreams, 111

neurosis, the psychology of, having both positive and negative aspects, 109

neurosis, the purpose of, 111

neurosis, the state of being at war with oneself, 109

neurosis, the true cause of, being in the present moment, not the past, 115

neurosis, the, origin of, 22

neurosis, threat of, in childish laziness, 127, 134, 140, 143, 157, 177, 184, 189

neurosis, treatment of, 6

neurotic behaviors, as likely to be passed down through generations, 140

neurotic dissociation, 91, 108

neurotic dissociations, the healing of, via the transcendent function, 129

neurotic disturbances, myths' helping to resolve, 108

neurotic peculiarities, Jung's examples of, 113

neurotic sex trouble, as a spiritual problem, 42

neurotic symptoms, 6, 11, 111, 117

neurotic symptoms, the disappearance of, via analysis, 189

neurotic, the population as, 127

neurotic, the, as victim of his own illusions, 109

neurotics, Jung's use of art in working with, 168

neurotics, normal, definition of, 88, note 37

neurotics, the disturbed relationship to reality of, 127, 130, 168

New Age Magazine, 62

New Age mentality, the, 62

New Age movement, 34, 50

new age, historical antecedents of the, 34

new age, preparation for the, 34

New Age, the activities of the, 62

new age, the coming, as different, 159, 160, 164

New Age, the idealism of the, 2

New Age, the mind set of the, 62

New Age, the orientation of the, 62

New Agers, Jung's riposte to, 28, 62

new center, the hypothetical, within, 41

New Deal, the racism in the, 145

new dispensation, emerging, 7, 23, 63, 64

new dispensation, the age of, as the age of Aquarius, 169 & note 39

New England, as unchurched, 114

new ethic, a definition of the emerging, 166

new eyes, the development of, in mid-life, 85

New Hampshire, as mired in a drug crisis, 115

new horizons, the opening of, in confronting loneliness, 178

new life, awaking to, through grieving a death, 25

new path, creation of, 35

new paths of being, in grappling with loneliness, 178

New Right, the rise of, as continuing karmic acts, 145

new story, as emerging, created by the psyche, 160

New Testament, the, 12, 25, 63, 87 & note 15; 116, 142, 152, 160

new thing, the arrival of the, as from without or within, 93

new things, acceptance of, by the ego, 154, 177

new things, God as the source of, 40

New Thought, proponents of, 28, note 10; 34

new world model, the opportunity to create a, 160

new world, creation of a, 2, 53

New World, the discovery of, as an example of the horizontal orientation, 172, note 16

New York City Police Department, warning of, not to sleep with cell phone, 60

New York Jung Institute, 7, note 17; 103

New York, Jung's interview in, 131, 146

New York, Jung's visits to, 41

new, fear of the, 128, 177, 178

new, new thing, the, American infatuation with the, making us susceptible to delusions, 88

newborn babe, the attitude of, 41, 94

Newsmax, as junk media, 101, note 13

Newton, Isaac, 40, 83, note 73; 144 & note 25

Newtonian physics, 34

Newtonian physics, the world of, 155

Niagara Falls, energy production of, 31

Niehus, Walter, Jung's son-in-law, 70

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 43, 63, 70, 81, 89, 93, 96, 104, 117

Nietzsche, Friedrich, the enantiodromic experience of, 135, 139, 162

nightmares, 11

night-terrors, fear of, 51

nigredo phase in alchemy, 18 & note 23; 49, note 7; 57, 83

nigredo phase, features of, 123 & note 128; 166 & note 7

Nirmana-Kaya, the, 100

Nixon, Richard, as a mean-spirited bigot, 145

No One Would Listen, 156, note 46

Nobel Prize, Barbara McClintock winning of a, 85

noetic sciences, definition of, 155, note 29

noetic sciences, the, 34

non-ego center, as the guiding factor, 42

non-local action, 34

non-locality, of the psychic realm, 32

non-logical, repression of, 107

non-Muslims, Arabic's depiction of, 166

non-rational aspects of human life, Jung’s appreciation for, 68

non-rational motivators of behavior, examples of, 114, note 60

non-rational responses, as the way to heal the irrationality of addiction, 115

non-violence, as the only viable approach, 10

non-violence, the power of, as greater than violence, 160

non-Western values, the denigration of, by helpers, 191

normal people, sudden disturbances in, 125

normality, as compensation for a latent psychosis, 162

normality, shaken up by changes, 24

norms, overturning, 37

norms, societal, living up to, Jung's disapproval of stress on, 165, 183

North Korea, 28, 117

Northwestern University, 16

Norway, 80, 84, note 12

nose, follow your, Jung's advice to therapists, 78

nose, the value of following your, 143

Nostradamus, predictions of, 166

not yets, the puer's arguments to put off decisions, 141

nothing but, thinking in terms of, 134

nothing in excess, as a good rule for old people, 47

nothingness, the despair of, 12

Novak, Robert, leaking the identity of Valerie Plame, 152

novel, the openness to the, 40

novelty, the source of, as the unconscious, 168

Novum Organum, 144, note 12

Now moment, the, living in the, 179

NPs, the moral problem unintelligible to, 139

nuance, as a feature for a good healer of souls, 89

nuclear annihilation, the possibility of, 50

nuclear war, way to avert a, 38

Number and Time, the origin of, 176

Number and Time: Reflections Leading toward a Unification of Depth Psychology and Physics, 112

number, definitions of, 112

number, even, as resolving of a tension, 132

number, Jung's definitions of, 112

number, the ability of, to unify the worlds of matter and mind, 112

number-crunching, as no solution, 27

numbers, as archetypes, 112

numbers, as concepts and autonomous entities containing more than just quantities, 176

numbers, features of, 112

numbers, functions of, in Jung's system, 112

numbers, Jung’s attention to, from patient’s dreams containing numbers, 176

numbers, odd, as dynamic, 132

numen, as the source of related words, 121, note 70; 142, 158

numen, defined, 33, 35, 57, 64

numerology, 17, 75

numerology, Jung’s interest in, 176

numina, Jung's definition of, 121 & note 5; 146, 160

numina, the meaning of, 64

numinosity, 6, 33, 35, 40, 63, 64, 81, 112

numinosity, the power of, description of, 142; 158, 160, 175, 188

numinosum, defined, 33

numinosum, features and examples of, 33

numinosum, Jung's definition of, 33, 64

numinosum, the experience of the, 142, 143, 158 & note 6; 160

numinosum, the, 33, 64, 87

numinous dreams, 23

numinous experiences, avoidance of, 150, 162, 164, 176

numinous experiences, examples of, 33, note 66

numinous experiences, the power of, 115

numinous images, causes for the appearance of, in dreams, 162

numinous symbols, the protective power of, 143

numinous, definition of the, 142

numinous, experiences of the, 142

numinous, fear of, 33

numinous, the derision of, as a catastrophe, 150

numinous, the experience of the, as changing consciousness, 142

numinous, the, 7, 33, 64

numinous, the, derision of the, 150

numinous,the, Otto's definition of, 33

Nuremberg trials, the, 145

nurturance, need for, 53