
La Mettrie, Julien Offroy, man-as-machine idea of, 144 & note 32

labeling, the positive impact of, 42

LaBerge, Stephen, founder of the Lucidity Institute, 90

labor unions, 8

labor, as a disutility, 107

labor, as a positive aspect of living, 107

labyrinth, need to travel the, 41

labyrinthine way, the pains of the, 119

Lachesis, task of, 93

lack of insight, fostering of, by projection, 52

lack of self mothering, examples of, 22

Laden, Osama bin, 83, note 72

Laden, Osama bin, reference by, to the Crusades, 125, 147 & note 28; 166, 186

LaHaye, Tim, 59, note 24

laïcité, the secularization of French culture, labeled the Antichrist by the Catholic Church, 175

Lammers, Ann Conrad, 1, note 15

Lammers, Ann, quoted, 144, note 46

Land, George, 34, note 4; 50, 83

land, Jung's value of, as psychologically important,181

land, the, as inspiring, 16

Langley Porter Institute, University of California Medical School, Jung-related program of, 66, note 58

language of the psyche, learning your own unique, via dream work, 190

language, the need for a common, to shift the collective mind, 160

Lao-tzu, Jung's quoting of, 169, 173

Lao-Tzu, Master, 30 & note 37; 32, 35

lapis philosophorum, 16, 100 & note 58

lapis philosophorum, as a symbol of the Self, 121 & note 49; 123, 151

large groups, avoiding of, as breeding grounds for psychic epidemics, 183

large organizations, as dehumanizing, 146

large organizations, the need to break up, 84

Las Casas, Bartolomé de, the contrition of, 145

late blooming, in older age, 24

late liminal years, features of the, 24

latent abilities, appearance of, 24

latent contents, constellation of, in regression, 43

latent psychoses, underlying hysteria, 111

Latin America, 31

Latin American drug wars, as evil, 134

Latin, Jung learning, at age 6, 33, 68

laughsitive, the value of a daily, 67

laughsitives (regular doses of laughter), as part of soul tending, 123

laughter, importance of, 16, 67

law of God, vocation as like a, 93

law of cause and effect, karma as the, 145, 147

Law of Correspondence, the, 25, 31, 53, 61, 70

Law of Correspondence, the, and compensation, 162 & note 73

law of nature, consciousness brought into harmony with the, 90

law of one's own being, fidelity to the, 138

Law of the Retarded Lead, the, 31, 37

Law of the Retarding Lead, 31, 37, 147, note 52; 173

law, subversion of the, 10

law, the Pauline overcoming of the, 36

Laws of Attraction, the, 83, note 73

Laws of Ecology, list of, 171, note 60

laws of ecology, the list of, 104, note 37

laws, dreams obeying their own, 122

Lay, Wilfred, correspondence of, with Jung, 124

layman, as the reader of Jung's books, 138

laymen becoming more conscious, Jung’s suggestions to, 42

Lazarus, Emma, 8

lead, as a symbol for depression, 9

lead, symbol for the base unconscious state, 83

leader, as the victim of inflated ego-consciousness, 102

leader, definitions of, 102

leader, Jung's use of the term, 102

leaders, 11, 88, 102

leaders, as blocks to understanding, 99

leaders, world, as fools, 137; 147, note 52

leadership, dangers of, 3

leadership, human, as fallible, 102

leadership, Jung on, 102

leadership, wise, our collective need for, 159

leading minority, a, as those willing to pay the price of analysis, 189

leading minority, as Jung's term for those awake, 10, 65, 76, 85

League of Nations, 8

leap frog option, the, 40

leap-frog option, definition of, 148

leap-frogging, definition of, 179

learning opportunities, providing of, in adult education, 85, 89, 103, 107, 115

lectures, the theoretical basis of, 66

Leet, Glenn, quoted, 148

Leet, Mildred, quoted, 148 & note 3

Left Behind series of books, 59

legal isolationism, 8

legal precedents, overturning, 37

legal/moral and psychological guilt, the distinction between, 145

legalism, as the sin of the Pharisees, 165

legend, the formation of an, 164

legends, 11, 17, 52, 66, 108

Lehman Brothers, the collapse of, 27, note 12; 58, 83, note 66

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 144 & note 17

lemurs (monkeys), 16

Lepore, Jill, quoted, 145

lesser good, balancing of, with a lesser evil, 116

lessons, guidance about the, 116

letting go of oneself, 154, 173, 179

letting things happen, the art of, 32, 35, 104, note 103; 143

level of American culture, as high, with unconscious primitivity, 38

levels, the three levels of reality, 100

leveraged creativity, as the currency of the future, 36

Levine, Stephen, 12

Lévy-Bruhl, Claude, 63, note 5

Lévy-Bruhl, L, Jung's drawing on the workd of, 140, note 66

Lewinsky, Monica, 117

Lewis, John, quoted, 173

Lewis, Michael, quote of, 67, note 19; 115, note 17

L'Homme machine, 144

Liber Novus, Jung's record of wrestling with the unconscious, 129

liberal education, the need of tech types for a, 68

liberal, definition of, 76, note 4

liberalitas, the definition of, 68

liberation, as a benefit of Self-partnering, 121

liberation, Jung's definition of, 16, 41, 64

libido, the source of, in the soul, 123, 128, 134, 138, 143, 149, 157, 161, 168, 169, 174, 176

libido, the, 5, 9, 24, 25, 30, 31, 35, 43, 49, 57, 71, 83, 89, 91, 96, 109, 110, 113, 118

lies, as a feature of the old growth curve, 50, 105, 117

life after death, as a helpful idea, 25

life and psyche, union of, 52

life and work, the success of, as a question for women, 48

life as flat or dry, as a reason for undertaking analysis, 189

life energy, the American wellspring of, 38, 126

life events, asking the right questions in response to, 42, 115

life experiences, memories of, lodged in the unconscious, 22

life force, the, goals and aims of, 9

life forces, a concentrated extract of the, 100

life lessons, as timed by the Self, 103, 113

life mission, attunement to one's, 36

life of the present, the importance of linking with the life of the past, 175

life principle, the soul representing the, 123

life renewal, fostering, in adult education, 85

life spans, the lengthening of, 50

life worth living, defined, 16

life, a sense of, awakened by small insights from the psychic depths, 47

life, acceptance of, in aging, 24, 36

life, acknowledging the finite limits of, 24

life, articulating the meaning of, 24

life, as a carefully worked out plan, 93

life, as a three-dimensional existence, 103

life, as a unity of all, 30

life, as an adventure, 13

life, as an energy-process, 9

life, as an experiment to be carried through to the end, 103

life, as an interlude in a long story, 103

life, as imprisonment in gravity and time, 26

life, as mattering in the cosmic scheme of things, 94

life, as meaningful and futile, 26

life, as provisional, 26

life, as rootless, 5

life, as teleology, 9

life, authorizing one's own, 36, 40

life, choosing a positive response to, 99

life, circumscription of, as dangerous, 113

life, compelling energy of, 36

life, complete, components of a, 16

life, confidence in, 12

life, continuation of, using the undeveloped parts, 41

life, course of, as governed by transconscious factors, 93

life, depth of, as worth living, 16

life, destiny of, 30

life, direction of, 40

life, dissatisfaction of, causes for, 107

life, double reality of, 52

life, end of bodily, 12

life, enlargement of the frame of, 30

life, enrichment of, 24, 107

life, entering a new phase of, symbols of, 93

life, experiences of, as grist for growth, 25

life, facets of, including complexes, 52

life, feeling in control of, 36

life, finding a religious outlook on, as a common need, 119

life, finding meaning in, 36, 94, 119

life, forward movement of, 35

life, fundamental law of, 11

life, gaining a new lease on, 25

life, giving over control of, to the Self, 64

life, godless, features of a, 109

life, great changes in, brought by he daemon, 41

life, greater sense of meaning of, through adult education, 85

life, guiding principles of, 28

life, impoverishment of, 107

life, inclination of, 12

life, Jung’s goal for, 42

life, lack of meaning in, when unconscious, 94

life, law of, 30

life, living as rhythm, 42

life, losing of, to gain life, 14

life, maintaining the integrity of, 94

life, major change in, causing loss of meaning, priming for neurosis, 119

life, major decisions of, 36

life, meaning in, as a need, 36

life, meaning of, sources for, 94

life, meaningful, demanding sacrifices, 16

life, need to reflect on, 94

life, new assumptions about, as the analysis evolves, 57

life, new manifestations of, 5

life, on earth, as like being in a box system, 103

life, opposition to, 51

life, our duties to, 57

life, our focus on, 12

life, patterns in, observation of, 36

life, potential for fulfillment in, 40

life, preparing for the end of, 12

life, problems in, as goads for growth, 123, 139, 134, 138, 141, 142, 150, 153, 154, 156-158, 161, 167, 169, 173, 174, 178, 183, 189, 190

life, purpose of, defined, 16

life, reconfiguration of, 36

life, relinquishing control of, 21

life, renewal of, 24

life, reorientation of, in mid-life, 85, 113

life, replies of, to our request for help, 54

life, reviewing and reflecting on, 24

life, rightness of, 16

life, separation from the source of, in neurosis, 111

life, sources of, 102, 103

life, staying engaged with, in aging, 24

life, sudden collapse of a style of, 30

life, the afternoon of, 24, 50

life, the arc of, 50

life, the banality of, in the Western world, 109

life, the constellation of, in its depths, 25

life, the dark side of, as valuable, 57

life, the engagement with, fulfilling potentials, 47

life, the ever-changing moods of, 101

life, the externalization of, causing suffering, 84

life, the first half, concern of, with externals, 85

life, the flow of, reversing in aging, 24

life, the fulfillment of, 26

life, the fullness of, as inhibited by meaninglessness, 94

life, the goal of the second half of, 85

life, the goal of, 12, 116

life, the growth and consolidation phases of, 42

life, the instinctive disposition of the doctor's, 93

life, the irrational possibilities of, 11

life, the larger context of, 54

life, the meaning of, as becoming more self-aware, 80

life, the morning program of, 50

life, the multiple distractions of, 24

life, the natural expression of, 96

life, the natural urge of, 49

life, the paradoxicality of, 28

life, the path of, holes in the, 41

life, the polarity of, 28, 114

life, the progress of, held up by a neurosis, 109

life, the purpose of, to Jung, 103, 104

life, the quest for meaning in, 114

life, the richness of, as found in the transcendental realms, 114

life, the shift in direction of, 12

life, the thread of, spun by Clotho, apportioned by Lachesis, cut by Atropos, 103

life, the trajectory of, 12

life, the two halves of, 85

life, the web of, 31, 65

life, transformation of, 12

life, undigested, as a burden, 47

life, violation of the meaning of, 52

life, wisdom of, 16

life’s afternoon, the psychology of, 24

life’s meaning, appreciation of, 24

life’s morning, the psychology of, 24

life-force, the dangers in thwarting the, 9

life-line, discerning the direction of one's, 91

lifelong learning, Jung's focus on, 143

life's old orientation, sacrifice of, 25

lifestyle choices, reflecting America’s collective shadow, 184

lifestyle, choices of, 36

light, circulation of, 35

light, figures of, imaging, 62

light, guarding your inner, Jung's example of, 124

light, need of, for darkness, 119

light, the experience of, in healing, 33

light, the exposure to, as transformative, 33

like curing like, 58

like finds like [Law of Similars], 18

like-minded individuals, a community of, as a school, 85

limitations, of the old paradigm, examples of, 173

limits, collective, for men, 53

limits, the puer chafing at, 141

Lincoln, Abraham, 8

Lincoln, Abraham, quote of, 128 & note 78

Lindbergh, Charles, 1, quote of, 69

Lindbergh, Charles, failure of, to understand Jung, 164, note 56

linearity, as our cultural norm, 41

Lipton, Bruce, 34

Lipton, Bruce, research of, 155

literalism, Biblical, Jung's disapproval of, 119

literalism, definition of, 165, 166

literati, the, the orientation of, 75, note 18

Little Anima Girl, as a character in my inner city, 189

Little Match Girl, the poverty mentality of, 62

live, relearning how to, 30

live, the desire to, as equal to wanting to die, 103

live, wanting to, as equal to wanting to die, 161

lives, men's, as governed by fear, 37

lives, social media destroying, 60

lives, the impoverishment of our, 150

Living Alchemy, 54, note 12; 108, 161, note 43

living as change, 25

living authentically, 67, 85

living humans, the responsibility of, to earlier generations, 177

living in balance, Jung’s stress on, 68

living in our heads, as a Western tendency, 25

living in relation to the Self, implications of, 23

living in the moment, 24

living organism, Jung's definition of the, 183

living organism, the, as a system of directed aims, 9

living organisms, definition of, 9

living provisionally, as advisable in old age, 141

living provisionally, value of, to the oldster, 26

living spirit, the experience of the, 155, 175

living spirit, the experience of, 82, 99, 119

living standards, reasonable, and satisfactory work, as a factor for happiness, 98

living systems, ad negentropic, 156

living systems, as far from equilibrium dissipative structures, 156, 157, note 16

living systems, as negentropic, 157

living systems, dislocations of, 2

living tools, definition of, 42

living truth, as dynamic, 130

living water, as symbolic of the Holy Spirit, 63

living within the web of life, as a feature of a meaningful life, 94

living, as like a prison, 12

living, authentic, 13, 49

living, habits of, 25

living, Jung's tips for, 16

living, orientation to, as spontaneous, 67

living, the devil opening up new avenues of, 134, 143, 154, 161

living, the purpose of, to create more consciousness, 63

local community, supporting, 101

local threshold guardians, the, as divisive, 79

localism, Jung's encouragement of, 84

loci of direction, three, of David Riesman, 148

loci, the internalization of the three, 150

loci, the three, 29, 54, 102

Locke, Alain, 38

Locke, Alain, contribution of, in American history, 126

Locke, John, 13

Locke, John, on government, 83 & note 88

Locke, John, quoted, 140, 177

locus of authority, internalizing, 2, 6, 20, 36, 42, 49, 54, 62

locus of authority, the need to internalize a, 130, 175

locus of control, internalizing, 2, 19, 36, 54

locus of security, internalizing, 21, 33, 42, 54, 68, 84

Loewi, Otto, dream of, solving a scientific puzzle, 90, 91

logic, 6, 17, 35, 101, 113, 114

logic, the place of, in Jung's philosophy of science, 143

Logos, 74, 120

London, 39

lone ranger, the, as a myth, 30

loneliness, 5, 16, 94, 119

loneliness, Jung's label for soul sickness, 123, 154, 178

Long, Wilfred, quote of, 160

longevity, the creative aspect of, 47

longing for others attention, as a coping strategy, 54

looking inward, as a female talent, 48, 49

Loomis, Mary Ann, 92 & note 2

loose organization, the, a portrait of the, 146

looseness, threats to organizational, 146

loss aversion, defined, 127

loss of meaning in life, cause of, 123

loss, as a wake-up call, 134, 138

loss, experience of, 25

loud noise, as compensation for male insecurity, 53

Louisana, as a dysfunctional region, 127

love, as a force of destiny, 173, 178

love, satisfaction in, 32, note 15; 53-55, 72, 117, 119

loved one, the loss of a, as a reason for undertaking analysis, 189

Lovelock, James, 34

lower man, the weakness of the, 41

low-tech solutions, as more suitable, 148

loyalty, lacking in narcissists, 56

Loyola, Ignatius, the spiritual exercises of, 6

Luce, Henry, 8

lucid dreaming, Jung on, 122

lucid dreaming, Jung's opposition to, 32, note 8; 90

Lucifer, 2, 30, 82, 108

Lucifer, as the light-bearer, 134, 152

Luciferan fires, civilization succumbing to the, 81

Lucis Trust, the, 62 & note 11

lumen naturae, working with the, 104

luminosity, connection of, with numinosity, 33

lunatics, the delusions of, 97

Luria, Isaac, 34

lust for certitude, 7, 87

lust, as a moral evil, 54, 102

lust, of greed, 131

Luther, Martin, 33, 64

Luther, Martin, as the Antichrist by the Roman Catholic Church, 175

Lutheran, as the state church in Scandinavia, 138, note 69; 158

lying, Jung on, 105

lynchings, of Black men, in the South, 145

Lynes, Barry, research of, 186, note 14

lysis, the, in some dreams, 90