eagle, 5
early life, wounding in, 52, 113
ears, tickling the, 105
Earth types, as prone to compulsiveness in times of stress, 92
Earth, as a commodity in modern culture, 160
Earth, as a gigantic toolshed, 60
earth, devastation of the, 77
earth, human existence as rooted in the, 181
Earth, our serious mismanagement of, 183
Earth, planetary limitations of, 14
earth, the desire of, to grow things, 60
Earth, the destruction of the, due to scientism's story, 160
Earth, the devastation of the, causes for the, 77
Earth, the numinosity of, as "Mother," 33
Earth, the trashing of, with old cell phones, 60
earth, the, as below, 61
earth, touching the, as connecting with spirit, 181
Earthkeeping, 77
earthkeeping, as a spiritual practice, 181, note 72
earthkeeping, definition of, 181
earthly life, as subject to the decrees of a superior economy, 103
ear-tickling, by propagandists, 130
East Coker, paradoxes in, 114
East, the religion of the, as curative, 138
East, the wisdom of the, 29
East/West Journal, the, 34, 62
Easter Island, the building of the stone faces on, 155
Eastern Europe, 27
Eastern man, Jung's definition of the, 80
Eastwood, Clint, 53
eccentricity, as an Aquarian trait, 82
ecclesia spiritualis, as a spiritual gathering of awake people, 65 & note 23
ecclesiastical hierarchies, 36
ecclesiastical power, limitations on, 8
ecclesiastical systems, the awkward situation of, 94, 119
ecological connections, the rending of, 120
ecological consciousness, the rise of, 83
ecological disasters, the growing prevalence of, 59
ecological transformation, as ubiquitous and dramatic, 77
ecology, 31, 60, 104
ecology, the laws of, 148, 171, 181, 183 & note 15
economic changes, beyond one's control, 84
economic collapse, as an element of climate chaos, 77
economic inequality, 3, 8
economic inequality, as a sign of a bad system, 171
economic injustice, 10, 14
economic justice, 3
economic malaise, 10
economic orthodoxy, the current, as destroying the planet, 171
economic system, the greed of the, 119
economic system, the, as on an unsustainable trajectory, 183
economic theory, as useless and outmoded, 160
economic turmoil, 51
economic volatility, 183
economics, academic, the negative influence of, 160
economics, etymology of, 183 & note 24
economics, the dangerous values of, 160
economies, extractive, 10
economy, our toxic system, shift from, to a life-serving, 160
economy, problems in the, 49
eco-Self relationship, shift in during aging, 24
ecstasy, value of, 42
ectopsychic factors, 138, 187
Ecuador, the Achuar natives of, activities of, 160
Eddy, Mary Baker, 34, 137
edifice complex, the lack of, in a loose organization, 146
Edinger, Edward, 8,10, 23, 25, 41, 59, 63, 65, 71, 93, 94, 139, 151, 158
educated people, the views of, as accurate, based on Jung's survey of clerics, 119
education, orientation of, 8, 31, 57, 60, 66, 85
education, the method of, as a possible cause for neurosis, 140, 143
educational system, the American, as one-sided, 66, 115
educational system, the orientation of, as practical and Sensate, 140
educational systems of high quality, 171
educator, the influence of, tilting the balance in favor of progression, 90
educator, the one-sided approach to the training of the, 113
effective action, lack of capacity for, 52
effectiveness, definition of, 131
effectiveness, greater, due to analysis, 189
effects, of the anima, overlying contents in the unconscious, 153
efficiency, 41, 43
efficiency, as a major concern of health insurance companies, 9
efficiency, as a value, 131
ego mind, the confounding of, 121
ego ambitions, letting go of, by shifting from doing to being, 47
ego and psyche, the confrontation between, in dream work, 190
ego and shadow, better balance between, 113
ego attitude, conscious, mortification of the, 25
ego consciousness, as a small part of the psychic structure, 25, note 40
ego consciousness, as free and autonomous, 15
ego consciousness, as intrusive, 6
ego consciousness, the control of the, 40
ego consciousness, the limits of, 121, note 5
ego consciousness, the outer level of, 79
ego conservatism, challenges to, 33
ego desires, our inability to control, 137
ego development, as a necessity for waking up, 179
ego entanglement, features of, 30
ego inflation, the dangers of, 43, 57
ego inflation, the tendency to, 122
ego issues, fostering of, by perfectionism, 116
ego mind, admission of defeat of the, 106
ego mind, as fallible, 134
ego mind, as ineffective in solving the big problems of life, 76
ego mind, diversions of, as necessary while waiting, 129, 134, 162, 167, 174, 178, 189
ego mind, expectations of the, 42
ego mind, openness of the, 36
ego mind, shocks to the, as a reminder of a powerful inner force, 119
ego mind, the impatience of the, 25
ego mind, the limitations of the, 35, 119
ego mind, the overwhelment of, as disunity symptoms multiply, 99
ego personality, the challenge to the, 14
ego pride, as a block, 33
ego sensibilities, as weak, 41
ego will, alignment of, to the higher will, 15, 85
ego will, surrender of the, 103, 106
ego will, the relinquishment of the, 93
ego will, the sorting of, from Divine will, as difficult, 103
ego, alignment of the, 11, 62
ego, as enlivened, 52
ego, as inferior to the constellating power of the affective complex, 128
ego, as persona-ridden, 153
ego, as subject to the sovereign Self, 122
ego, attachment of, to emotional patterns and attitudes, 33
ego, boosting of the, 143
ego, complexes forcing a quasi-foreign will on the, 134
ego, confrontation of the, with the Self, 2
ego, control of the, 14, 41
ego, counterpoints to the, 143
ego, crucifixions of the, 15, 18
ego, defeat of, by the experience of the Self, 121
ego, deference of, to the Self, 23
ego, definition of, 15
ego, denial of an unconscious imperative by, 93
ego, dependence of, 15
ego, dialogue of, with the unconscious, fostered by the daimon, 40
ego, dislike of, of being humbled, 150
ego, disturbances of the, 57
ego, energy available to the, 15
ego, entanglement in the, 30
ego, excessive, in narcissists, as a defense mechanism, 179
ego, impatience of the, 12
ego, impotence of the, 25, 32
ego, insulation of, from foreign ideas, 41
ego, living in reliance on the, as causing anxiety, 183
ego, living relation of, to the Self, 23
ego, loss of control of, 22
ego, of the old person, as more detached, 24
ego, operating out of, 62
ego, point of view of, integrated with the perspective of the Self, 41
ego, preening of the, 13
ego, relation of, to the Self, 15
ego, relation of, to the shadow, 184
ego, relinquishing the desire for control, 93
ego, reluctance of, to change, 16
ego, taming of the, 32, note 8
ego, task of, in individuation, 18
ego, the assault on the, from inner work, 54
ego, the assimilation of, to a wider personality, 113
ego, the big, need of, for externals, 146
ego, the confrontation of the, with the Self, 59
ego, the confrontation of, with inner energy, 54
ego, the connection of, and Self, 47
ego, the connection of, to the archetypal world, 91
ego, the crucifixion of the, 30, 41, 83
ego, the defeat of the, 21, 36, 49, 64
ego, the delusions of the, 119
ego, the desire of, as unaligned with the intentions of the Self, 159
ego, the difficulty of, in avoiding inflation, 122
ego, the duality of the, and the dark Other, 118
ego, the environmentally conditioned values of the, 54
ego, the exposure of the, to the Self, 142
ego, the feeling of defeat of, in confronting the Self, 170
ego, the forfeiture of its practical importance of the, 137
ego, the frailty of the, 59
ego, the futile willing and striving of, 119
ego, the humbling of, 30
ego, the importance of the, 68
ego, the inferiority of, 12
ego, the inflation of, in prosperity consciousness, 62
ego, the judgments of the, 58
ego, the limitations of the, 64
ego, the limited view of reality of the, 90, 91
ego, the lust for control of, as a delusion, 183
ego, the lust of, for control, 90
ego, the meeting of the, with the divine, making miracles possible, 106
ego, the modern person not sure of his own, 150
ego, the modest place of the, 64
ego, the need of the, to cede control, 129
ego, the need of, to hold the balance between opposites, 137
ego, the paltriness of the, 131
ego, the perspective of the, 41
ego, the practical importance of, as forfeited, 131
ego, the pride of the, 64
ego, the proper attitude of the, as humble, grateful and surrendering, 119
ego, the proper role of the, 122
ego, the purview of, 49
ego, the range of feelings of the, 148
ego, the recognition of, of its proper place, 150
ego, the relation of, to the Self, 122
ego, the replacement of the, 65
ego, the role of, in decision-making, 49
ego, the sacrifice of the, to the Self, 179
ego, the smallness of the, 64
ego, the submission of, to the Self, 21
ego, the subordinate position of, 121
ego, the subordination of the, 83
ego, the susceptibility of, to be dragged by an autonomous complex, 128
ego, the therapist operating from, in the non-Jungian model, 185
ego, the will of, as thwarted, 83
ego, the, as impatient and out of sync with the soul's time, 159, note 19
ego, the, as inadequate as the driver of our lives, 33
ego, the, as not fully in control of life, 103
ego, the, as useful in recalling childhood circumstances, 54
ego, the, diminishment of in old age, 47
ego, the, important role to play by the, 54
ego, the, inferiority of, 49
ego, the, keeping its integrity, 135
ego, the, leveling with the Self, in old age, 47
ego, the, reluctance of, to relinquish control, 174
ego, the, surrender of, to the demands of the Self, 54
ego-complex, definition of, 15
ego-consciousness, anxiety of, 6
ego-driven life, the mundane desires of the, 14
egohood, the disappearance of, as the only criterion, 68
egohood, the toils of, 64
egoism, 119
egomania and greed, as plundering the world, 48
ego-mind, as a conduit for the psyche's creativity, 91
egos, feeding big, 146
ego-Self relation, inner awareness of the, 85
egotism, 2, 10, 44
egotism, definition of, 116
egotism, Jung on, 131
egotism, the flip side of, as feelings of inferiority and inadequacy, 116
egotism, vaunting, 13
egotistic thinking, as a cause for delusions of grandeur, 88
egotistical man, as a danger, 35
egotistical superiority, of Europeans, 43
Egypt, the collapse of the Old Kingdom in, 152
Egyptian Book of the Dead, the, 26
eight, symbols of, 112
Eightfold Path, the, 10, note 68
Einbildskraft, as the power to create images, 100
Einstein, Albert, 34
Eisenhower, Dwight, warning of, in his Farewell Address, 117
Eisenstein,Charles, note of, that we are between stories now, 160
Eisler, Riane, 3, 10
Eisler, Riane, the peer/partnership model of, 173
Eisner, Betty Grover, correspondence of, with Jung, 60, 115
either/or thinking, 42, 53
either/or thinking, as too limiting, 143, 173
ekstasis, the characteristics of an, 103
elation, as a feature of cosmic consciousness, 160, note 9
elder years, as a time for honesty, 47
elder years, significance of, 24
Elder, George, quoted, 59, note 60
elementals, defined, 198
Electra complex, the, 22
electrolytes, the balance of, 122, note 28
electromagnetic radiation, the emission of, 60
element, the wisdom of the, 159
Elf School, 14 & note 45
Eliade, Mircea, impression of Jung of, as vital and youthful, 70
Eliot, T.S., 25, 41, 114
Eliot, T.S., quote of, 171
elites, resistance of, to change, 102
Elliott, Lucile, Jung refusing to see, on her return to Zürich, 72, note 36
elucidation, as the first stage of the transference, 57
embarrassment, as a learning opportunity, 58
emergencies, as prompts for praying, 118
emergent properties, 34
emergent properties, examples of, 156 & note 19
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 34, 38
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, concept of the American Mind of, 126
emotion, the influence of, 127, 128, 152, 173
emotiona, the, repression of, 107
emotional problem, in neurosis, irrational solution of, 140
emotional awareness, as part of being conscious, 99
emotional contagion, dangers of, 128
emotional distress, in aging, 24
emotional energies, expending of, in the mid-life transition, 85
emotional equilibrium, the maintenance of, 128
emotional flooding, danger of, 52
emotional freedom, men’s lack of, 53
emotional honesty, avoiding of, as a pattern, 54
emotional intelligence, 56
emotional intensities, in analysis, 57
emotional lability, 25, 110
emotional phool, the, 58
emotional reactions, 43, 57
emotional reactions, as reactive phenomena, 173
emotional resonance, the capacity for, 179
emotional responsiveness, mother’s lack of, 22
emotional truths, speaking about, 53
emotional volatility, 83
emotionalism, hysterical, of the masses, 131
emotionality, 28
emotionality, critical degrees of, 125
emotionality, intense, as a feature of our era, 127
emotions, as sources of power, 99
emotions, as the carriers of mental contagion, 128
emotions, basic, examples of, 51, 57
emotions, contagious, 57
emotions, definition of, 54
emotions, holding back, as a psychic misdemeanor, 95
emotions, importance of staying in touch with, 99
emotions, influences of, 3
emotions, the need to become conscious of our, 128, 155, 173
empathic resonance, the necessity for, 57
empathy gap, the, 60
empathy, greater, as a benefit of analysis, 189, 191
empathy, value of, 17, 56, 57, 63, 93
Empedocles, 81
empirical insights, as a benefit of analysis, 189
empirical man, the desire of, to extend beyond conscious boundaries, 99
empirical nominalist, the, 29
empirical science, psychology as an, 42
empirical world-picture, the components of, 29
empiricism, as genuine science, 156
empiricism, as Jung's form of science, 156
empiricism, dictionary definitions of, 156
empiricism, the scientific attitude based on, 29
empiricist, Jung as an, 156, 167, note 6
employees, the implications of having, for a loose organization, 146
employment, having purchase on our soul, 18
empowerment, as Jung's goal, 30
empowerment, features of, 148, 185, 191
empowerment, true power as, 117
empty pews, reason for, 37
enantiodromia, 11-13, 28, 30, 40, 62, note 31; 80, 81, note 14, 113, 114, 119
enantiodromia, the principle of, Jung's drawing on the, 125 & note 33; 135, 137, 154 & note 19; 157, 162, 169, note 33; 172, 173, 175, 182, note 13; 184
enantiodromic experience, features of the, 135, 136
encouragement, as support, 191
enculturation, the persona as a result of, 153
end time, the approach of the, 59
end time, the, features of, 152, 155, 164
end, the right way to approach the, 161
endurance, 16
enemies, the valuable things of, to teach us 170, note 15
enemy, loving the, in one's own heart, 119
energic point of view, the, 157
energic process, libido manifestation as an, 143
energic response, the power of myth to evoke, 108
energic tension, as fostering growth, 144
energic values, need for recognition of, 134
energies, application of, to external circumstances, 124
energy field, reading the, 156
energy flow, the blockage of, 157
energy of the time, living in alignment with the, 183
energy, 24, 31, 33, 35, 70, 82, 85, 94, 113
energy, shamans' manipulation of, 198
energy, the dependence of, on a pre-existing polarity, 130, 143, 157 & note 6; 159, 168, 189
engineer, the mindset of the, 107
England, as the most foreign country, to Jane, 45
enlightened, becoming, 62
enlightenment, 20, 28, 30, 31, 42, 62, 82, 100, 115, 119, note 22
enlightenment, as the alchemical goal, 143, 171, 179
Enlightenment, the, 11, 34, 50, 82, 114
Enron, 10, note 23
ensouled reality, Jung living his belief in an, 181
entanglement, the dynamism underlying, 108
entelechy, appreciation of life's goal, 121
entelechy, Jung as a believer in, 33
entertainment, high-tech forms of, 76
enthusiasm, 3, 31, 38, 54, 70
entitlement, 8, 10, 14, 56
entrainment, 34
entrapment, fear of, 22
entropic principle, manifestations of the, 157 & note 17
entropy, as a feature of daily life, 157
entropy, the definition of, 156, 157 & notes 6, 16 & 17
entropy, the psychological equivalent of, 31
enuresis, 22
environment, the, 28, 37, 49, 101
environment, the degradation of our, 156
environmental awareness, the rise of, 144
environmental movement, the, 83
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the value of the, 127
Environmental Protection Agency, the gutting of the, 31, note 10
environmental protection, 10
environmentalism, backlash against, 48
environmentalism, the prominence of, 181 & note 9
environmentalists, 48
envision, the alchemists' ability to, 100
envy, cause of, 36, 52, 56
envy, definition of, 52
envy, soul corroding of, 158
eon, shift of, as challenging, 27, 86
ephemeral conditions, focus on, 158
ephemeral slogans, the noise of, 99
epidemics, as mirrors of a collective invasion of new elements as harbingers of a new reality, 59
epidemics, our susceptibility to, due to the Antichrist, 175, 183
epidemics, prediction of, 83
Epimethean thinking, Jung's definition of, 134
epiphanies, as ineffable, 179
epiphenomena, as results from inner growth, 143
epistemological individualism, 34
epistemology, 28 & note 23
epitaph, 32
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 37 & note 21
equality of opportunity, 171
equality, as an Aquarian value, 82
equality, between doctor and patient, 89
equality, perfectionism hindering recognition of our basic, 116
equalization, as entropic, 157
equalization, the process of, 31
equanimity, the value of, 98
equilibrium, disturbances of, 84, 98
equilibrium, the maintenance of, 162
equinoxes, the precession of the, 155 & 3
era, our, the first thousand years of, as vertical, 172
era, our, the second thousand years of, as horizontal, 172
era, the events associated with the end of an, 164
Eranos Conference, 1936, Jung's first alchemical lecture at the, 151, 176
Eranos conferences, 16
Erasmus, Desiderius, Jung's appreciation of, 70
Eros, definition of, 51, 74
Eros, Jung's definition of, 189
erotic feelings, the psyche’s use of, 57
error, fatal, of our time, 28
error, Jung's sanguine attitude toward, 185
error, the power in, 119
escape from oneself, as a tempting idea, 178
escapism, as a temptation in dealing with reality, 186
eschatological conceptions, as a feature of end times, 164
esoteric ethics, 2
Esoteric Ethics, the Jungian Center course on, 165
esoteric tradition, the, 179
esoteric wisdom, Jung’s investigations of, 42
esoteric, definition of, 2
esoterica, as hidden things not to be shared with all, 43, 75
esoterica, Hall's research in, 61, note 20
esoterica, Paracelsus as a student of, 142, 151
esotericism, 2
esotericists, as fakers, 95
ESP experiments, of Rhine, 106
essence, becoming aware of our, 158
essence, finding of, in old age, 24
essential, sensitive to what is, 94
essential, the, embodying of the, as giving meaning to life, 158
essentials for doing analysis, 17
estate planning, advice on, 161
Estes, Clarissa Pinkola, the Jungian Storyteller Series of, 155
ESTJ (Extravert, Sensate, Thinking, Judging) bias, of American society, 65
ESTJ culture, the U.S. as an, 76
ESTJ preferences, of American society, 113 & note 62
ESTJ, as the type preference of nearly 75% of Americans, 184
ESTJ, the American bias toward, 184
ESTJs, as the majority type of Americans, 139 & note 27
estrangement, as endemic in modern reality, 179
estrangement, causes of, 95, 104
eternal bliss, Jung's experience of, 26
eternal things, financiers' forgetting about the, 131
eternity, the meaning of, 24
Ethel Walker School, the, 45
ethic, the evolution of a new, as the aeon shifts, 165
ethical anarchism, Gnosticism losing itself in, 97
ethical code based on reciprocity, as a feature common to all religions, 160
ethical probity, lack of, 29
ethical problem, the relativation of the, 80
ethical standards, loss of, 27
ethical standards, the evolution of, 57
ethical system, a new, founded on Jung's brand of psychology, 165
ethical system, component of our, 2
ethical values, the respect for, 117
ethics, 2, 16, 99
ethnic cleansing, 10
ethnocentricism, 8, 10
ethnographers, observations of, on animal behavior, 179
ethnology, 29
ethological observations, indications from, 52, note 115
ethologists, scientific discoveries of, 37
ethology, the science of, 31, 102
ethos, definition of, 2
etiological theory, inadequacy of, 30
etymology, value of, 42
Euhemerus, theory of, 30
Europe, 12, 88, 114, note 51
European cultures, lack of dynamism in, 38
European guilt, as a real fact, 145
European psyche, the imprint on the, of the Crusades, 147
European shadow, the, living on in America, 147
European, the, as possessed by a devil, 134
European, the, the philosophical disorientation of the, 88
Europeans, as constrained by medieval strictures against money-making, 131
evaluation, of a prospective analyst, requiring time, 185
Evans, Richard, interview of, with Jung, 115
evening knowledge, defined, 25
events, waiting on, 16
evil, 13
evil, 20th century examples of, 30
evil, as a human judgment, 80
evil, as a privatio boni, 30, 113 & note 31
evil, as another manifestation of God, 57
evil, as source of good, 13
evil, avoiding, as an impossibility, 80
evil, Christian concept of, 1, note 15; 52
evil, coming out of good, 80
evil, denial of the existence of, 28
evil, denigration of, 52
evil, existence of, causes of, 38
evil, loss of energy of, 58
evil, mass mindedness as a major source of, 128, 134, 135, 137 & note 2; 138 & note 125; 155, 165, 170 & note 15; 182
evil, our, 52, 113
evil, signs of, 134
evil, small, becoming big, 62
evil, source of, in man's unconsciousness, 99
evil, the apotropaic attitude towards, 52
evil, the axis of, 28, 117
evil, the capacity for, 57, 62, 80
evil, the capacity to deal with, 52
evil, the carrying of into the wilderness of, 52
evil, the Christian view of, as pernicious and destructive, 113
evil, the fascination of, due to numinosity, 58
evil, the mysterious role of, in delivering man from darkness, 81
evil, the nature of, 52
evil, the powers of, 12
evil, the primitive tendency to shut eyes to, 52
evil, the real existence of, as recognized, 99
evil, the reality of, 2, 28, 30, 52, 62, 82
evil, the relative non-value of, 99
evil, the source of, as within us, 99
evil, the spirit of, 43, 51
evil, the tendency to project, 52
evil, the therapist's need to deal with the problem of, 119
evil, the universal power of, 81
evil, the Western culture's view of, as fostering shadow projection, 113
evils, two, choosing between, 49
evolutionary change, the impact of, 37
E-waste plants, working conditions of, 60
Exceptional Human Experience, 155
exceptionalism, concept of, 4
exceptionalism, the flip side of, as our very dark shadow, 145, 186
exchange, freedom in the process of, 160
executor, a gift to your, 161
executor, tasks of, 26
exemptionalism, 8
exemptionalism, as a feature of America’s shadow, 184, 186
exercise, in old age, as supporting physical well-being, 47
exercise, regular, as important in aging, 24
existence, the creation of a new form of, by industrialization, 183
existential depression, as a pattern, 54
existential isolation, the rescuer from, as ourselves, 178
existential orientation, the jolt for a new, 33
expediency, the ethics of, 156
experience, actual, as essential, 30
experience, as a key element in Jung's definition of truth, 130, 143
experience, as the touchstone of truth, for the empiricist, 112
experience, Jung's stress on, as the basis for empirical evidence, 81
experience, lived, the value of, 30
experience, of the dead, as timeless and spaceless, 100
experience, personal, the need to integrate, 115
experience, religion of, 63
experiences, as purposive, 23
experiences, fears about, 51
experiencing the dream, Jung’s stress on, 57
experiment, the etymology of, 104
experimentation, as a modern reflection of Neptune in Aquarius, 82
experiments, the artificial conditions of, in science, 120
expert, Jung's warning against turning to the, 188
explication de texte, use of, in textual analysis, 84 & note 3; 91
exploitation, interpersonal, 56
exploring, the end of, 41
extended science, as the emerging paradigm of science, 104, note 122
external activities, Jung's denigration of, 182
external object, the, one-sided knowledge of the, 113
external reality, adaptation to, as a guiding principle, 171
external things, as futile things to strive for, 94
external world, the behavior of, truth coinciding with, 130
external, the, as subject to loss, 21
externalities, mental health professionals' focus on, 9
externalization of a locus of security, Jung’s example of, 21
externalization of culture, dependency on the, 84
externalization, of a locus of control, indicators of, 36
externalization, of the process of choosing, 49, note 5
externals, as ineffective sources of happiness, 98
externals, as vulnerable to loss, 84, 94, 143, 150, 183
externals, dependence on, examples of, 84
externals, technology's focus on, 107
externals, the dangers in dependency on, 84
extinction, as impossible, with the unconscious, 174
extra-sensory perception, academics' prejudice against, 66
extra-sensory perception, Jung's investigations of, 176
extra-terrestrials, as an inspiration for us, 164
extravagances, link of, to happiness, 98
Extraversion, 13
Extraversion, and Introversion, balance of, 113
Extraversion, as a hindrance to finding meaning, 94
Extraversion, features of, as hampering inner work, 159, 187
Extraversion, in American society, 27, 36
extraversion, rootless, 60
Extraversion, the emphasis on, in our society, 101
Extravert Intuitive Feeling Perceiver type, the, 62 & note 32
Extravert, Jolande Jacobi as an, 16
Extravert, the experience of, in analysis, 128 & note 71; 164, note 56; 189 & note 17
Extravert, the response of the, 30
Extravert, the, 39
Extravert, the, difficulties of, with aging, 24
extraverted artist, features of the, 167
extraverted attitude, the features of, 167
Extraverted Feeling, as the inferior function, 22
Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceptive type, the need of, for work life around people, 173
Extraverted pressures, in American society, 178 & note 18
Extraverts, 11, note 20; 18, 30, 47, 78, 83, note 77; 92, 119
Extremistan, 22
Ezekiel, the four symbolic figures in, 132