
C.G. Jung Lexicon, 22

C.G. Jung Speaking, 1

cabala, 7, 17, 75

cabala, as mystical Judaism, 114

cabala, Jung's investigations of, 176, 181

cabala, the, as full of paradoxes, 114

cabalism, number symbolism in, 112

cabalists, the, 34

cabiri, 5

Cadorin, Ettore, Jane studying sculpture with, 45

caffeine, 13

calcinatio, as a time of fires, 83

calcinatio, as the refiner's fire, 148, 159, 186

calcinatio, defined, 83

calcinatio, the alchemical operation associated with fire, 59

caliphate, the reinstitution of the, as an ideology, 125

camels, sixty words for, 166

campaigns, financing of, 27

Campbell, Joseph, 17, note 41

Campbell, Joseph, mythological work of, 155 & note 32

Campbell, Joseph, quoted, 79

Campbell, W. Keith, 56

camping, Jung sharing of, with his children, 181

campus unrest, 39

cancer, 33

canniness, a special, as a requirement for dream interpretation, 90

capitalism, 5

capitalism, features of modern, 10

capitalism, the failure of, 10

capitalism, the values of, projection of, 131, 172, note 20; 181, 184, 186

Capra, Fritjof, thinking of, as outside the box, 155

Capricorn, energies associated with the sign of, 82

Capricorn, the conservatism of, 62, note 13

captains of industry, dependence on, 84

captains of industry, motivation of, by financial interests, 183

cardiac problems, 33

caring professions, the, as poorly paid, 184

caritas, the definition of, 68

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the, 68, note 17

Carnegie Foundation, grant of, to make medicine more science-based, 115, note 22

Carnegie Foundation, the, 144, note 43

Carnegie, Andrew, 8

Carnot, Nicolas, as the founder of the field of thermodynamics, 157, note 6

Carol, Hans, interview of, with Jung, 181

Carolingian minuscule, Jung writing in, 70

Carotenuto, Aldo, 52

Carter, Majora, efforts of, in greening the ghetto in the south Bronx, 160

Cartesian, the, as one-sided in rationality, 189

Carus, K.G., quoted, 168 & note 53

carving, 9

Casey, Ben, 114, note 7

Casey, Edgar, dictum of, 42

Cassandra complex, the, working through, 57

castration, fear of, 52

casualness, the contemporary mode of, consequences of, 146

cataracts, the induction of, in radio frequency fields, 60

catastrophe, as a potential consequence of one-sidedness, 113

catastrophe, global, 5

catastrophe, way out of, 5

Catholic Church, the backbone of the, 130

Catholic liturgy, the symbols of, offering possibilities for the unconscious, 81

Catholicism, dogmatism of, 5

Catholicism, Jung's fear of, fading as he aged, 81

Catholicism, the creed most closely akin to psychoanalysis, 81

cats, as symbolic of our independent side, 153

causa efficiens, 57

causa finalis, 57

causality, our biased view of, 106

causality, the elimination of, in synchronicities, 106

cause and effect, the law of, 4, 147

cause, the two types of, 57

causes, as beyond ourselves, as part of a meaningful life, 94

Cayce, Edgar, 34 & note 46; 36, note 25; 62, note 7

Cayce, Edgar, insights of, 121, 166, 179, 191

celebrity, the cult of, 14

cell phone, a plague of fear and malaise spawned by the, 60

cell phone, as fostering addiction, alienation and atomization, 117 & note 67

cell phone, as ubiquitous, 104

cell phone, four reasons not to use a, 60

cell phone, physical composition of, 60

cell phone, the effect of, on the human biofield, 60

cell phone, the invention of, causing addictions and social pathologies, 88

cell phone, the many problems with the, 101, note 21

cell phone, the, 60, 107

cell phone, toxic chemicals of, 60

cell phones, addiction to, 54

cell phones, addictions to, 122, 127, 128 & note 74; 143, 149, 157, 175, 177, note 29

cell phones, as like drugs, 60

cell phones, as physically dangerous, 60

cells, communication methods of, 60

Center for the Application of Psychological Type, 78, note 16

center, developing a new, within, 25

centering, 5

Centers for Disease Control, the, 31, note 10

Central American shamanism, 58, note 37

Centre for Psychological Astrology, the, 86

ceremony, roles of, in shamanism, 198

certainties, arising of, only through doubt, 87

certainty, as requiring a wider and higher consciousness, 87

certainty, Jung's one, in World War II, 124

certification, as not a reliable gauge of an analyst, 185

certitude, the lust for, 31

certitude, the lust for, as a feature of Christian moralists, 165

chakras, Jung on the, 133, 179

challenge, the attitude of openness to, 94

challenges, a positive response to our current, as important, 124, 145, 169, 173, 177, 183, 191

challenges, in Jungian work, 17

challenges, list of, that America is facing, 115

challenges, societal, past and present, 38

chance, 192

chance, Jung's denial of, 28

chance, the laws of, as a principle, 156

Chandler, Marguerite, 160

change agent, the individual as the, 146, 153

change, archetypes of, listed, 108

change, as a personal task, 19

change, as central to Jung's psychology, 130, 131, 135, 148, 149, 151, 153, 155, 169, 173, 178, 179, 184, 188, 190

change, as enduring, 31

change, as massive, disruptive and discontinuous, 21, 36

change, as patterned, 25, 54

change, being open to, as important for an aging person, 47

change, belief in the possibility of, 36

change, constant, as a key Jungian idea, 54

change, denial of, 31

change, desire to make, 36

change, fear of, 36, 52

change, features of, 34

change, fostering of, by the power of imagination, 100

change, going with the flow of, 54

change, Jung’s alchemical approach to, 54

change, perfectionism blocking, 116

change, real, as starting with personal change, 149

change, requirement of, to accept what we wish to change, 119

change, resistance to, as endemic in Western society, 109

change, resistance to, as perilous, 184

change, resistance to, in analysis, 57

change, resistance to, leading to massive dislocation, 102

changed consciousness, as a feature of a meaningful life, 94

changing habits, fear of, 52

channeling, 34

channeling, discernment requirements for, 62

chaos, 13, 44, 77

chaos, manifestations of, 134, 155

Chapman, John (Appleseed), 34

Chappell, Tom, 10

character, distortion of one's, by lying, 105

characters in fiction, as archetypal, 47

characters, the variety of, living in our inner city, 189 & note 7

charity, as the greatest of all virtues, 166

Charlottesville, the tragedy of, 145

charms, the reality of, 42

Charon, 2

ChatGPT, the ability of, 68

chattering class, the, as dismissive of Jung and his ideas, 75

Chauvin, Derek, guilt of, for killing George Floyd, 145

chauvinism, 8

chauvinism, as an atavism, 183 & note 18

Chekhov, Anton, quoted, 178

Cherokees, challenge of, to Andrew Jackson, 145

Chicago Tribune, Henry Ford's interview for the, 177

child, as object of envy, 52

child, Jung's image of the, 140 & note 71, 175

child, new, as coming into being in old age, 57

child, power level of the, 36

child, the joyful, hatred of the, 52

child, the life of the, 49

child, the one-sided approach to the, in education, 113

child, the wounded, 52

child, the, 85

child, unattended, the anger of the, 52

child, within, as source of future development, 41

child/unmothered mother, disorders associated with the, 22

childhood habits, reactivation of, in regression, 43

childhood material, Jung's use of, 9

childhood, an arduous, diminishing the puer side of the personality, 113

childhood, Jung’s sense of, 50

childhood, rivalries of, 52

childhood, sources of energy of, 5

childhood, the psychological state of most of mankind, 20

childish things, the promise of, 41

childishness, creeds encouraging, 138

children with difficulties, the five types of, 140, 142, 165, 173, 188

children, as an extension of the parent’s ego, 52

children, of founders of digital companies, not allowed to use cell phones, 60

children, parents' unconscious carried by, 80

children, physiological problems of, 22

children, the reaction of, to imponderables in the atmosphere, 81

children, unconscious bond of, with parents, 22

chimerical wish-fantasies, replacement of reason by, 125

China, 10, 11

China, ambitions of, 29

China, as a culture valuing the elderly, 24

China, Communist, the totalitarian ethos of, 124, note 31; 147, 186, note 115

China, the Wheelwrights living in, 45

Chinen, Allan, manuscript of, 47

Chinese immigrants, the discrimination against, 145

Chinese Taoist alchemy, 100, note 32

Chinese thought, Jung's appreciation of, 169

Chinese wisdom traditions, Jung's appreciation of, 99

Chinese wisdom, Jung drawing on, 54, note 67

Chinese wisdom, mysterious vitality of, 29

Chinese yoga, the mystical nerve system of, 133

Chinese, worldview of the, 29

choice point, standing at a, 50

choice, basis for making a, 49

choice, free, Jung’s definition of, 49

choice, the most consequential, 54

choice, the right, 54

choice, the wideness of, as dependent on the degree of consciousness, 93

choice/s, on the spiritual journey, as challenging convention, 142, 148, 160, 171 & note 67; 184

choices, 2

choices, critical, 49

choices, good, components of, 49

choices, good, features of, 49

choices, knowledge of the soul’s, 54

choices, the importance of, 49

choices, the range of, 49

Chomsky, Noam, 25

choosing, the act of, as paralyzing, 49, note 5

choosing, the importance of, to change the old paradigm or reinforce it, 160

Chopra, Deepak, 34

chosen few, the, 17

chosen few, the, as a leading minority, willing to undertake analysis, 189

Christ archetype, the, 175

Christ archetype, the, generating actions to bring people together, 175

Christ, 5, 11

Christ, and the devil, the conflict between, 134

Christ, basis of, 30

Christ, image of, as a white man, 126, 172, 175, 182, note 16

Christ, imitation of, 12

Christ, love of, 12

Christ, power level of, 36

Christ/Antichrist, as an enantiodromic pairing, 137, 175

Christendom, the unity of, 172 & note 6

Christian aeon, the enantiodromia of the, as the reign of the Antichrist, 182

Christian church, fear of, 30

Christian church, the, talk of, of believing in God, ignoring the experience, 87

Christian dispensation, the, 63

Christian era, the features of the first half of the, 172, 182

Christian fundamentalists' interpretation of the Bible, Jung’s objections to, 59

Christian fundamentalists, operating with the truncated view of the divine, 59

Christian fundamentalists, the us/them mindset of, 158, note 19

Christian heritage, our collective national, 180

Christian hierarchy, the puritanical elements of the, 116

Christian moralists, Jung on, 165

Christian prejudice, 13, 68

Christian religion, the, Jung as an outsider to, 81

Christian Science, 34, 44

Christian Science, the religious flavor of, 137

Christian Students' Conference, appeal of, to Jung, 119

Christian symbolism, 5

Christian teaching, 12

Christian tenets, the loss of authority of, 119, 130

Christian tradition, the, main prejudice of, 52

Christianity, as encouraging childishness in people, 70

Christianity, Jung's complaints about, 134, 136, note 4; 137, 138, 164, 165, 172, 180

Christianity, Jung's criticism of, 2, 81

Christianity, Jung's exposure to, 26

Christianity, Jung's skepticism of the claims of, 81

Christianity, need of, to change, 7, note 28

Christianity, neo-Platonic influences in, 116

Christianity, the decline of, 82

Christianity, the implications of the decline of, 99

Christianity, the traditional effects of, 31

Christian-minded agnostic, Jung developing into a, 70

Christians, medieval, living today, 130

Christie, Agatha, as a favorite author of Jung, 70

Christmas, church service on, Jung's enjoyment of, 81

chrononutrition, definition of, 143, note 105

chthonic powers, the, 60

church leaders, concern of, to remain in control, 63, 116

Church, as a place of death, for Jung, 70

church, as a place of torment, 23

church, established, definition of, 138, note 69; 142, 144, 158, 160, 169, 172, 175

church, Jung's avoidance of, 81

Church, the anathematizing of Joachim by, 63

church, the, fading influence of, 24

Cicero, Jung's quoting of, in support of relegere, 138

Cicero, quoted, 14, note 24

circadian rhythms, 24

circadian rhythms, the importance of, 143, note 105

Circle of Care, 52

circumambulatio, the, the psyche's way, 41, 42, 57, 91, 104

circumambulation, 7

circumcision, 5

Cirlot, J.E., symbols book of, 151

Citizen Councils, 126 & note 47

Citizen Councils, activities of, 38

Citizen United court decision, the, 131

citizens, as consumers, 27

citrinitas, the phase of alchemy, 18, note 23; 83

city life, the psychological desolation of, 181

city, definition of, 153

civic polity, the poor supports for the health of, 101

civic responsibility, the failure of, 117

civic values, change in, 14

civic virtue, the corruption of, 14

civil discourse, the breakdown of, 177

civil rights acts, examples of, 145, note 58

civil rights movement, the, moral rectitude of, 55

civil rights movement, the, the nonviolence of, demonstrating the potency of power, 55

Civil War, as insufficient to expiate our guilt, 171

civil war, latent, brought into action by Freudian psychoanalysis, 119

civilization, as a cause for one-sidedness, 113

civilization, doubt about, consequences of, 109

civilization, features of, in transformation, 155, 181

civilization, lowering the level of, 43

civilization, supportive forms of, 59

civilization, the development of, severing the link of spirit and matter, 104

civilization, the preservation of, requirements for, 117

civilization, the sacred cows of, addressed by the trickster, 58

civilization, the technological features of, 104

civilization, the work of, 93

civilization, too much, as dirty, 104

civilized community, the reorganization of, by the psyche, 84

civilized man, the energies of, devoted to discovery of natural causes, 104

claims, criteria for evaluating, as usefulness, 130

clairaudience, the technique for honing, 67

clairaudience, the value of, 171

clairvoyance, Jung's writings on, 176

Clancy, Tom, book of, including the explosion of an atomic bomb, 59

clarity, as requiring a wider and higher consciousness, 87

Clark University, honorary degree of, to Jung, 69

Clausius, Rudolf, coiner of the term "entropy," 157, note 6

clergy, focus of, on secular concerns, 81

clergyman, lack of psychological knowledge by the, 119

clergymen, turning of, to Freud's and Adler's ideas, 119

clerics, hesitation of, as off-putting for many people, 119

clerics, role of, to inculcate religious ideas, 52

clerics, seen as prejudiced in viewpoint and dogmatic in bias, 119

climate change, 37, 108

climate change, as a threat multiplier, 77

climate change, as causing global devastation, 77

climate change, features of, 77

climate change, how we can help to mitigate, 77

climate change, impact of, on the central California coast, 47

climate change, lessons in, 37

climate change, the effects of, 101

climate crisis, source of, 13

climate crisis, the goal of the, 68

climate refugees, 31, 77

climate scientists, the conclusions of, 77

Clinton, Bill, the scandal of, 117

Clinton, Hillary, 11, 52

Clinton, Hillary, presidential campaign of, 43, note 99

Clinton, William, as a perceptive type, 139

clock, attempts to turn back the, as destructive, 149

closure, coming to, 49

closure, lust for, 54

Clotho, task of, 93

cloud of unknowing, the, 16, 42, 54

cloud of unknowing, the, appreciation of the, 150 & note 37; 153 & note 12; 189, note 27

clown, the, 16, 58

clowns, the function of, in society, 58

coagulatio, as the opposite of the sublimatio, 159

coagulatio, the, as manifestation, 25

Cobb, G. Stanley and Elizabeth, hosts of Jung in Boston, 72

cobblers, as a dying occupation, 14

cocaine, abuse of, 115

code, conformance to a rigid, negative consequences of, 165

codependency, patterns of, development of, 54

cognition, the pathologies of, 130, 156 & note 49 (for list of these)

cognitive phool, the, 58

cognitive process, the, 29

Cohen, B., correspondence of, with Jung, 176

coincidence, as an empty term, 86

coincidences, interpretation of, 112

coincidences, Jung's denial of, 113

Cold War, the bipolar split of, 117

Cold War, the, 8, 76

Cold War, the, as fostering desertion from traditional belief systems. 119

Cold War, the, as no peace, 124, 134, 164, 182, 184

cold, Jung's enjoyment of the, 181

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 34

collaboration, Jung's dislike of, 66

collaboration, the benefits of, 10

collaborative approaches, negative implications of, 66

collapse of the timeless universe of symbols, ours as a time of, 79

collapsed mother, disorders associated with the, 22

Collected Works, of Jung, 51

collective assumptions, rethinking of, 25

collective beliefs, changes in, 31

collective change, 3

collective change, as slow, 82

collective consciousness, as a chaotic world, 44

collective consciousness, highly charged, absorbing the ego, 131, 172

collective consciousness, Jung’s broadening of, 46

collective consciousness, the evolution of, 38

collective consciousness, the shifts in the, 59

collective consciousness, the tendencies of the, 68

collective ethical standard, the shift in our, 58

collective geist, attunement to, 62

collective grieving, opportunities in, 25

collective guilt, the irrational nature of, 145

collective ideals, dangers of, 27

collective inheritance of the past, preservation of, 24

collective life, as one-sided, balanced by the visions of artists, 168

collective man, the artist as, 168

collective man, the dynamisms of the, 84

collective measures, as dangerous, 84

collective miasma, creation of, by the media, 128

collective orientation, education fostering, 84

collective patterns, Jung's question about, 126

collective psyche of the human race, changes in, with the shift of aeons, 86

collective psyche, identification with the, implications of, 125, 164

collective psyche, the tendency of, to overwhelm the individual, 65

collective psyche, the, 11

collective psyche, the, long-lasting transformations of, reflected in astrology, 86

collective psyche, the, pattern of change in, 83

collective reality, 5

collective reality, Jung's assessment of, 105

collective sense of reality, the fragmentation of a, 127, 177

collective shadow figure, the trickster as a, 58

collective spirit, human beings as the representatives of the, 81

collective suicide, the threat of, 120

collective unconscious, as a creative psychological force, 63

collective unconscious, as like the ocean, 32, note 15

collective unconscious, as the opponent of consciousness, 30

collective unconscious, calming effect of awareness of the, 31

collective unconscious, creation from the depths of, 35

collective unconscious, dangers of eruptions of the, 3

collective unconscious, images in, 6

collective unconscious, Jung's concept of the, 69, note 2

collective unconscious, Jung's hypothesis of the, 38

collective unconscious, Jung's theory of the, 71

collective unconscious, need for deep work in the, to connect with its riches, 119

collective unconscious, poets' reading of the, 35

collective unconscious, the archetypal contents of, 13

collective unconscious, the contents of the, 51

collective unconscious, the creative potential of the, 90

collective unconscious, the elements of the, 88

collective unconscious, the evolution of the, 63

collective unconscious, the messages from, as impressive, 47

collective unconscious, the shared inherited wisdom of humanity lodged in the, 126, 129, 153, 164, 168, 187

collective unconscious, the stirrings of, 35

collective unconscious, the structure of, Jung's insights into, from alchemy, 100

collective unconscious, the, 3, 5, 12, 25

collective unconscious, the, as common to all humankind, 65

collective unconscious, the, as Jung’s most basic and far-reaching discovery, 59, note 11

collective unconscious, the, as the basis of the psyche, 106

collective unconscious, the, energy flowing into, 57

collective unconscious, the, formed from instincts and archetypes, 59

collective unconscious, the, insights into, provided by astrology, 86

collective unconscious, the, Jung’s recognition of, 57

collective unconscious, the, Jung's testing of the concept of, 69

collective unconscious, the, new forms from the, 24

collective unconscious, the, production of explanatory images by, 42

collective unconsciousness, the reflection of the, in society, 105

collective, hostility from the, as common, 148

collective, the influence of the, as pervasive, 125

collective, the influence of the, on our ideas, 125

collective, the reparation of the, 145

collective, the, art speaking to the needs of, 168

collective, the, making a positive impact on the, by changing ourselves, 99

collective, the, reparation of the, 57

College of the Atlantic, 2, 192

College of the Atlantic, colleagues' opinion of, 189

colonialism, 10

colonization, as a feature of the horizontal orientation, 172

colored man, living under the skin, 126

comfort, as a value derived from our knowing our personal history, 177

comfort, sources for, in hard times, 92

coming events, Jung's warning to prepare for, 164

Coming to Age: The Croning Years and Late-Life Transformation, 57

commerce, the growth of, in the late Middle Ages, 172

commercial acquistiveness, 84

commit, the Perceptive's inability to, 139, 188

commitment, as a requirement, 36

commitment, fear of, 51

commitment, lacking in narcissists, 56

commitment, the puer's distaste for, 163

Common Boundary, 62

common goods approach, the, 2

common law system, the historical orientation of, 38 & note 17

common truth, the method of attaining, 130

commonalities, fostering a sense of unity among the world's religions, 160, 188

Commoner, Barry, quoted, 104, note 37

communalism, of native peoples, 147

communication, features of effective, 160

communion with the world, 18

communion, as a fatal experience for Jung, 70

communion, cutting off from, by secrets, 95

communion, of the self with the Self, 178

communism, 5, 34

Communism, as a pernicious ideology, 125

Communism, Jung’s attitude toward, 44

communities, the spontaneous formation of, 63

community, as a shield against the solitude of the divine experience, 138, 160

community, consciousness of our duties to our, 84

community, fostering of, by sharing secrets, 95

company, becoming sensitive and selective to, 178

compartment psychology, 13

Compass of the Soul, 78, note 1

compassion, 56, 79, note 24

compassion, as splaggnizomai (lit. turning one's bowels over), 116

compassion, capacity for, 40

compassion, enhancement of, through acquaintance with inner characters, 153, 159, 160, 165, 179, 189

compassion, lack of, by elites, 102

compassion, perfectionism blunting, 116

compassion, the expansion of, 63

compassion, the result of, as pulling us into physicality, 116

compassionate heart, the, 40

compensation, as a key function of dreams, 91

compensation, Jung's concept of, 157, 162 & note 17

compensation, Jung's definition of, 162

compensation, the principle of, 11, 28, 30

compensations, examples of, 23

compensatory acts, as individual and creative, 162

compensatory role, of dreams, 90

competition, 10

competition, as a feature of the patriarchal system, 53

competition, associations to, 52

competition, fear of, 37, 52

competition, forms of, 52

competitive edge, gaining a, 37

competitive markets, the inherent workings of, 58

complacency, leadership as fostering, 102

completeness, as a goal, 2, 30, 116

completeness, as forced upon us, 116

completeness, as the soul's goal, 142

completeness, Jung's definition of, 104

completeness, women inclining by nature to, 116

completion, as a feminine concept, 47

completion, seeking, 16

completion, the old person’s focus on, 47

complex financial instruments, examples of, 58

complex, accompanied by affect, 72

complex, active, causing distress, 15

complex, affects associated with, 128, 131, 173, 187, 188

complex, and parental imagoes, 72

complex, anxiety developing from a, 51

complex, as a bruise on the psyche, 72

complex, autonomy of, 15, 22, 72, 119

complex, constellation of a, 15, 22, 52

complex, constellation of, defined, 42

complex, definition of, 15, 72

complex, depotentiation of, 22, 72

complex, disappearing into a, 72

complex, drinking dry, 52

complex, emotional charge of, 15

complex, etymology of, 22

complex, features of, 15

complex, implications of the activation of a, 15

complex, intentions of a, 15

complex, spotting a, 42

complex, the concept of the, 83

complex, the constellation of a, 52, 72

complex, the energy in a, 15

complex, the power of, to take us over, 15

complex, the, Jung’s definition of, 22, 52, 110

complex, the, manifestation of, as embarrassment, 22

complex, the, suppression of, 53

complex/es, autonomous, 3

complexes and wounds, the physicians own, 89

complexes, 28

complexes, as a feature of neurosis, 110

complexes, as autonomous, in the nigredo phase, 83

complexes, as nodes of energy, 57

complexes, as pools of energy, 47

complexes, as sources for personality flaws, 72

complexes, as unconscious, 72

complexes, causation of, Jung’s wide explanation for, 88, note 19

complexes, causes for the formation of, 128, 131, 160, 171, 173, 174, 179, 187, 188

complexes, common, examples of, 52

complexes, definition of, 22

complexes, depotentiation of, 32, note 15

complexes, examination of, sparking resistance, 52

complexes, fear of knowing, 52

complexes, feeling-toned, 15

complexes, festering of, in the unconscious, 22

complexes, in neuroses, 109

complexes, laden with affect, 24

complexes, the autonomy of, 52

complexes, the beginnings of, 103

complexes, the discovery of, 57

complexes, the distressing character of, 22

complexes, the domestication of, 83

complexes, the healing of, 22

complexes, universality of, 22

complexes, wising up to, 23, 52, 57

complexio oppositorum, 16

complexity, association of, with powerful, in Western thinking, 154

complicit behavior, as a feature of our culture, 105

complicity, the prevalence of, 105, note 32

components, key, to Western thought, 144

comportment, rules of, 12

comprehension, powers of, 21

compulsion neurosis, 15, note 48

compulsion, as a result of lost libido equilibrium, 113

compulsion, the introverted artist feeling free of, 167, 178

compulsions, in analysis, 57

compulsions, inducement of, via drugs, 115

compulsive acting, 15

compulsive talking, causes of, 47

compulsive thinking, 15

compulsiveness, 92

computer screens, doctors fixated on their, 170, note 6

computers, dissemination of, 11

computers, the harmful implications of, 134, note 79

concealment, Jung's warnings against, 128

conceit, the disease of, 8

conceit, the modern, that we can control Nature, 68

concentration, deliberate, 6

concentration, the results of, 42

concretism, as devilish, 134

concretism, as hindering growth and individuation, 44

concupiscentia (lust), as opposite superbia (powerdrive), 55

confession, Jung's concept of, 123

confidence, boosting of, 61

configurative model, process as important as goal, in the, 160

confirmation of, Jung seeking, for his ideas and intuitions, 97

conflagration, 31

conflict resolution, analytical psychology’s method of, 68

conflict, in neuroses, 109

conflict, major modern, 35

conflict, resolution of, 5, 35, 49, 99

conflicts of duty, 2, 16

conflicts of duty, as common in psychotherapy, 89

conflicts of duty, as opportunities, 49

conflicts of duty, definition of, 49

conflicts, painful, the solution of, 162, 166

conformity, 2

congeniality, as a defensive strategy, 54

Congressional Medals of Honor, 14, 79

coniunctio images, dreams fall of, 57

coniunctio, Jung's definition of, 100

coniunctio, the experience of the, 30

coniunctio, the numinosity of the archetype of union, 188 & note 5

coniunctio, the symbol for, 57, 108

conjuring tricks, 28

connection of, with friends, on social media, as mandatory, 60

connection, of everything, Jung's belief in the, 181

conquest of nature, as an illusion, 160, 169

conscience, as a gift from heaven, 138, 164

conscience, defined, 36

conscience, searching of the, 37

conscience, supplanting of, by soul, 36

conscience, the need to follow one's, 80

conscious aging, 24

conscious and the unconscious, the symbol as uniting the, 99

conscious and unconscious, the cooperation of the, as life-giving, 111

conscious attitude, dreams as the reaction to our, 122, 157

conscious attitude, the biases and aberrations of the, 104

conscious attitude, the dissociation of, from the unconscious trend, 109

conscious attitude, the forced exaggerations of the, 109

conscious awareness, 6

conscious behavior, dreams as contrasts to, 90

conscious development, as the purpose of living, 103

conscious differentiation, requirements for, 30

conscious direction, the maintenance of, 113

conscious domination, consequences of, 30

conscious dying, 12

conscious ego control, the loss of, under the influence of an affect, 128

conscious guardedness, as causing the secret to become a poison, 95

conscious intentions, energy of, 15

conscious life, the loss of meaning in, inducing panic, 94, 119

conscious mind, the cooperation of the, with the unconscious, as therapeutic, 128

conscious mind, the, 6, 11, 35 43, 84, 111

conscious personal inner work, benefits of, 31

conscious personality of the patient, the reinforcement of the, 111

conscious psychological life, the enrichment of, 18

conscious realization, the, of the transcendent function, as a method, 129

conscious situation, dreams as answers to, 90

conscious standpoint, the widening of the, 177

conscious suffering, the value of the process of, 40

conscious suspense, production of, as a new compensatory reaction, 129

conscious, becoming more, as our task now, 128, 188

conscious, becoming, 2, 28, 30, 52, 54

conscious, connecting to others who are, 124

conscious, help others become, 124

conscious, the connection of, to the unconscious, 108

conscious, the cooperation of, with the unconscious, 94

conscious, the relation of, to unconscious, as compensatory, 162

conscious, the striving of the, 6

conscious, the ultimate integration of the, with the unconscious, 113

conscious, the union of, with unconscious, 149

conscious, the, bridging the gulf between, and the unconscious, 176, note 38

consciousness level, of a group, as dangerously low, 146

consciousness of inner developments, 16

consciousness raising, as a theme of the '60s, 39

consciousness, a higher level of, as necessary, to comprehend the personal quaternity, 132

consciousness, a higher level of, fostered by regression, 43

consciousness, affects as a disturbing influence on, 128

consciousness, alchemy’s contribution to the development of, 176

consciousness, altered states of, 33

consciousness, Americans' belief in, 115

consciousness, as a precondition of being, 101

consciousness, as a small part of our being, 62

consciousness, as alchemical gold, 83

consciousness, as constantly interfering with the psyche, 154

consciousness, as divided, in politicians, 105

consciousness, as foundation of a new ethics, 2

consciousness, as interfering, 30

consciousness, as naturally limited, 42

consciousness, as our only collective authority, 117

consciousness, as partisan, 30

consciousness, as seeking culture, not nature, 104

consciousness, as the ego's domain, 30

consciousness, as the new value and goal, 63

consciousness, as the power you need, 52

consciousness, as world-blinded, 88

consciousness, attitude of, to dying, 26

consciousness, bringing a concern to, resulting in a cure, 177

consciousness, change of, 27, 84

consciousness, change of, as an individual task, 182

consciousness, civilized, as caught in its own rules, 30, 104

consciousness, collective validity of, 35

consciousness, conditioning of, by numbers, 112

consciousness, cosmic, Bucke's definition of, 160, note 9

consciousness, creating more, 12, 94

consciousness, creation of more, as Jung's response, 125

consciousness, disintegration of the, 6

consciousness, enriching of, with the knowledge of our psychic foundations, 68

consciousness, ephemeral, the deviations of the, 28, 138

consciousness, examples of levels of, 182

consciousness, extending the horizon of our, as a goal of the unconscious, 174

consciousness, extension of, 35

consciousness, fostering new, 33

consciousness, growing up in, consequences of, 104

consciousness, higher level of, 16, 50

consciousness, impact of, 34

consciousness, implications of, 16

consciousness, importance of, 16

consciousness, inflation of, dangers of, 43

consciousness, interference of, 35

consciousness, levels of, 28, 30, 33

consciousness, levels of, as numerous, 182

consciousness, localization of, in the chakra system, beginning with the third, 133

consciousness, man’s limited, 50

consciousness, man's acquisition of, 134

consciousness, maximum, the attainment of, as essential, 26

consciousness, modern, as on a low level, 122

consciousness, modern, as split, 35

consciousness, monotheism of, 28

consciousness, new religion of, 63

consciousness, objective, as the level of unity with all, 179

consciousness, orientation of, 40

consciousness, peculiar alteration of, 33

consciousness, present-day, 11

consciousness, role of, 5

consciousness, rootless, as susceptible to psychic epidemics, 175, 183

consciousness, seduction of, by external attractions, 91

consciousness, the abnormal degree of development of, 30

consciousness, the change in, related to the numinosum, 158

consciousness, the collective development of, 28

consciousness, the content of, as trivialities and depravities, 138 & note 52

consciousness, the creation of more, 142, 152

consciousness, the creation of, 6, 57, 99

consciousness, the cult of, 28

consciousness, the danger of the disintegration of, 161

consciousness, the dangerous dissociation of, 161

consciousness, the development of, 18

consciousness, the devil fostering our coming to, 134

consciousness, the discriminating power of the, 111

consciousness, the enrichment of, with psychic knowledge, 104

consciousness, the ethical implications of, 160, note 26

consciousness, the evolutionary shift of, 37

consciousness, the evolving higher level of, 179

consciousness, the fragmentation of, 94

consciousness, the habitual attitude of, 15

consciousness, the hierarchy of, 128

consciousness, the hubris of, 15

consciousness, the implications of, 187

consciousness, the impotence of, in handling major problems, 154

consciousness, the increase of, 41

consciousness, the interference of, 32

consciousness, the language of, 30

consciousness, the level of, 130, 164, 182

consciousness, the localizations of, 133

consciousness, the lower level of, dangers with, 84

consciousness, the observing, 5

consciousness, the painful price of creating more, 170

consciousness, the power and insight from, 43

consciousness, the production of a fuller, as a goal of adult education, 85

consciousness, the pursuit of the cult of, 138

consciousness, the rationalistic differentiation of, in technology, 107

consciousness, the restriction of, 123

consciousness, the search of, for its opposite, 157

consciousness, the selective activity of, 162

consciousness, the shift in, from individual work, 131

consciousness, the shift of, misconceptions about, 62

consciousness, the source of, as a riddle, 119

consciousness, the sphere of, 16, 18

consciousness, the spiritualization of, 24

consciousness, the thorough disorientation of, due to an affect, 128

consciousness, the unity of, 43

consciousness, the variety of levels of, 179

consciousness, transcending the level of, 113

consciousness, widened circle of, 18, 28

consciousness/unconsciousness, as a psychological modality influencing behavior, 187

consecration, recognition of, 23

consensus gentium, the, on immortality, 26

consensus trance, as ordinary waking consciousness, 179

consideratio, 6

conspicuous consumption, 10

conspiracy theories, 11

constellation of a complex, Jung’s definition, 42, note 11

Constitution, the, 8

constructive, Jung’s use of, as an adjective to distinguish his brand of psychology from Freud’s, 88

consumer debt, 14

Consumer Financial Protection Agency, the creation of, 127

Consumer Reports, 107, note 43

consumer, as a powerful label, 36

consumerism, 5, 14, 24, 100

consumerism, the blandishments of, as dangerous, 150, 156, 186

consumeritis, 10, 14

consumeritis, as a cultural disease, 101

consumeritis, defined, 109

consumeritis, neologism coined byJohn Moelaert, 156, note 29; 163, 186

consumers, stress on our being, 14

consuming, as Americans’ civic duty, leading to consumeritis, 184 & note 68

consumption, as a civic duty, 36

contact information, for the organizations at the Sacred Earth conference, 160

contagious diseases, of the mind, 131

containers, 5

containment, the rule of, 57

contemplation, as animating, 6

contemplation, Jung's value on, 160

contemplation, the bad reputation in the West about, 56

Contemplative Alliance, conference of, attendees at the, 160

contemplative journey, intentional, the features of the, 136

contemporary problems, failure to understand, due to specialization, 66

contemporary reality, features of, 74

contemporary reality, the malaise of, 158

contemporary society, the patriarchal bias of, 83, note 83

contents, new, as autonomous, 41

contests, sabotaging of, 52

context, as key to the correct interpretation of a dream, 190

continua, as the form of change, 135, 136

contradiction, the value of, 114

Contragate, 36

contrasexual side, as animus or anima, 63

contrasexual side, definition of, 42

contrasexual side, fear of, 52

contrasexual side, the repression of our, in acculturation, 113

contrasexual side, the, 83

control, as a myth, 150

control, lack of, 30, 52

control, locus of, definition of, 54

control, locus of, internalizing, 36

control, lust for, 10

control, the ego’s desire for, 49

control, the government's quest to, 160, 170, 178, 191

control, the myth of, 40

convenience, our lust for, 60

convention, deliverance from, 17

convention, leap-frogging challenging, 148

conventional attitudes, Jung’s exception to, 24

conventional materialist paradigm of science, the limitations in the, 60

conventional morality, as a negative blotting out individual factors, 80

conventional morality, Jung's dislike of, 80

conventional schooling, Jung's criticisms of, 143

conventional science, the materialist paradigm of, 60

conventional wisdom, refusal to accept, 40

conventions, as proof men do not choose their own way, 142

conventions, daimon pulling us out of, 40

conventions, societal, as limiting choices, 28, note 13

conversation post mortem, Jung's interest in, 100

conversation, as a healing modality, 60

conversion experiences, moments of illumination in, 64

conversion, radical, as creating a dangerous imbalance, 113

conviction, doing the next thing with, as a way to live meaningfully, 141

convictions, becoming platitudes, 31

convictions, human need for, that give meaning of life, 94

cookbook approach, the, Jung’s dislike of, 54

cookbook approaches, Jung rejecting all forms of, 130, 153, 154, 184, 190

cookbooks, as full of collective, mass attitudes, 190

cooking, the valuable incubation time in the growth process, 178

cooperation, instead of conflict, in the new story, 160

Copt, as a Christian sect, 132

Coptic Museum, Cairo, Jung's donation to the, 97

Corbett, Lionel, 24

core issue, identification of the, 49

Corinth, the strong Gnostic influence of the early church at, 136, note 4

Cornell University, symposium at, 84

Cornell, A.D., Jung's correspondence with, 106

coronavirus pandemic, psychological lessons of the, 183

corporations, the ravages of, 127

corporatocracy, 3

corporeal cycles, ignoring of, 24

Corpus Hermeticum, 61

corrections, psychological, as possible only in consciousness, 145

correspondence, as an always-valid psychological rule, 61

Correspondence, Law of, 15, note 22; 108, 162, 183

correspondence, the theory of, as fostering understanding, 61

corroboration, Jung's search for, 100

corruption, the swamp of, 31

Corti, Walter Robert, 1, note 14

cosmic ages, the different religious forms of the different, 119

cosmic consciousness, adaptation to, 83

cosmic consciousness, features of, 160, note 9

cosmic roots, connection to our, 179

cosmic vanity, 7, 31, 76, 87, 117

cosmic vanity, definition of, 125 & note 37; 142, 147, 164, 165 & note 30; 166, 170, 186

cosmos, fostering encounter with the essence of the, as a feature common to all religions, 160

cosmos, healing of the, 33

cosmos, recognition of our connection to the, 30

counterbalancing, 11

counter-position, the potential danger of the, 113

countertendency, the breaking through of, into consciousness, 135

countertransference, 57

courage, 17, 36, 52, 54, 67, 94

courage, as a requirement for soul tending, 123, 129, 168

Cousins, Norman, healing of, via laughter, 67, note 34

covid-19 pandemic, the, 11, 52

covid-19, lessons in, 183

cowshed, an inflated patient’s dreams of being in a, 174

coyote, the, as a symbol for the trickster, 58

Crafts, Hazel, 30, 86

cramp, the appearance of, helped by engagement in creative activities, 154

crazes, novelties engendering, 177

crazes, prevention of, 52, 88

creatio ex nihilo, 28

creation of the world, Gnostic ideas about the, 181

creation, the act of, the basic condition for, 43

creation, the throb of, as within us, 149, 167

creative activities, encouraging involvement in, 52

creative activities, the utility of, in times of growth, 154

creative activities, use of, 16

creative combustion, as a feature of the new story, 160

creative energies living within, confronting the, 178

creative energy, wellsprings of, 52

creative expression, as congruent with psychological type, 167 & note 15

creative imagination, 43, 58

creative imagination, as the origin of all the works of man, 171

creative impulse, the, as a psychic factor, 138, 167, 168

creative impulses, honoring of, in old age, 47

creative instinct, the, Jung's broad definition of, 187

creative inventive fantasy, fostered by regression, 43

creative inventiveness, the promise of, 43

creative juices, the value of, 52

creative life, the, of the Extravert, as not under the ego's control, 167

creative man, the need of, to create regardless of giftedness, 167

creative muse, the, following the, 24

creative outlet, need for, 16

creative people, as hard to control, 188

creative personality, growth of, 69, 72

creative powers, as possessing a person, 167

creative process, Jung's definition of the, 167

creativity as regenerative, 24

creativity, an avidity for, as an instinct, 113

creativity, as adding to the overall cultural development of the family and community, 47

creativity, as expressive of our divine nature, 63

creativity, decline of, 102

creativity, dreams fostering, 91

creativity, in illness, 33

creativity, increase of, via humor, 67

creativity, Jung on, 167

creativity, Jung's encouragement of, 99

creativity, Jung's thoughts on, 40

creativity, lack of, 30

creativity, link of, to play, 116

creativity, lying within, 121, 123, 134, 138, 153-155, 163, 167, 168, 178, 179, 187, 189

creativity, narrow definition of, 40

creativity, our culture’s truncating our sense of, 59

creativity, outlets for, as essential in aging, 24

creativity, requiring solitude, 47

creativity, source of, in the unconscious, 28

creativity, stimulation of, from tapping into archetypes, 47

creativity, the expansion of, 63

creativity, the source of, 40

creativity, the time of day and circumstance that nurtures the, 47

creativity, the trickster fostering of, 58

creativity, the waste of, 28

creativity, value of, 16, 85

creativity, ways to increase, 113

creativity, wellsprings of, 11

creator, the assimilation of the archetype of, as enriching, 59

creator, the need of the, for man to illuminate the world, 124

credit-rating agencies, the conflicts of interest of, 127

credulity, as medieval people, 144

credulity, encouraged by isms, 44

creed, as distinct from Jung's concept of religio, 138

creed, Jung's definition of, 138, 158, 189

creed, Jung's definition of, 33, 37

creeds, as closed systems, 138, 158 & note 19; 175 & note 72

creeds, as forms of organized religion, 104

creeds, as Jung's term for organized religions, 98, 111

creeds, de-deification of nature by, 104

creeds, Jung’s view of, 43, 93

creeds, the claims of, to god-almightiness, 97

creeds, the cosmic vanity of, 97

Crichton-Miller, H., quote of, 144

Crick, Francis, the dogmatism of, 127, note 14; 143 & note 35

crime novels, Jung's enjoyment of, 181

crimi, Jung's reading for recreation, 70

crises, financial, 3

crisis, the mid-life, as a time for revaluation of earlier values, 113

critical challenges, requirements of, 84

critical faculties, the need for, as we engage in daily realities, 175

critical mass, 3, 76

critical mass, definition of, 179

critical phases of life, big dreams occurring in the, 90

critical reason, the importance of, in checking the spread of dangerous ideas, 125

critical reflection, as not constant, 125

critical thinking, 85, 88, 101, 102

critical turning-point, the, 30

criticism, as essential in science, 143

crop circles, 34

crop circles, investigation of, 152, 155 & note 39

cross-cultural verification, of Jung's theory of the collective unconscious, 151

cross-pollination, as a growing trend, 160

crowd, the big, as dangerous, 8

crowds, 3, note 14

crowds, Americans' over-rating of, 178

crowds, avoidance of, 51

crucifixion experience, the, 49, note 7

crucifixion on a wheel, as a mythological motif, 38

crucifying the ego, the task of, 64

cruelty, and chivalry, as a pair of opposites, 126

cruelty, and chivalry, as paired opposites, 38

Crusades, the experience of the, impact of, 147

Cruz, Ted, as a demagogue, 165, note 36

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 23

Cully, Kendig, 16

cults, the rise of, 149

cultural advance, as an extension of consciousness, 31

cultural change, requirements of implementing, 160

cultural evolution, 12

cultural expression, as rooted in reflection, 187

cultural forms, innovations in an Aquarian era, 82

cultural madness, current, 28

cultural pathology, signs of, 156

cultural pattern, religion laying down a, 138

cultural patterns, 31

cultural progress, elements of, 31

cultural restrictions, consequences of, 53

cultural sphere, the, features of, 85

cultural strictures, existence of, 36

cultural tradition, notions of sin and guilt in our, 33

culture of longing, our, 19

culture, 11

culture, advance of, 35

culture, as a patriarchal system, 36

culture, as continuity, 31

culture, as ego driven, 21

culture, conventional values and norms of our, 36

culture, difference of, from civilization, 10

culture, high, signs of, 28

culture, lowering the level of, 44

culture, mainstream, the power level of, 36

culture, the decline of, since the Age of Enlightenment, 114

culture, the destruction of the meaning of, 131, 138, 150, 177, 188

culture, the externalization of, 84

culture, the innermost law of, as historical continuity, 31

culture, the materialistic paradigm of our, 33

culture, the powerful forces in, 36

culture, the soul deadening allurements of, 58

culture-mongers, 11

cultures, as unlike Western, receiving shadow projections, 166

cultures, examples of, as patriarchal, 36, note 21

cultures, the periodizing tendency of, 82

Cunningham, Adrian, 1, note 15

cure, a key to the, as connections to the sources of psychic life, 119

cure, the beginning of the, 119

curiosity, definition of, 171

curiosity, having an attitude of, 24

curiosity, instead of judgment, in the new story, 160

curiosity, the value of, 192

curious, etymology of, 171

currencies, as fiduciary, 168

currencies, the fiduciary nature of, 83

currency, sound, as backed by gold, 131

current cultural paradigm, our, as too limited, 152

current opinions, as blinding, 99

current predicament, Jung's assessment of, 64

current problems, a list of, 171

current reality, Jung's interpretation of, 152, 171

current reality, the pathologies of, 58

current situation, our, Jung's portrait of, 137

current system, the pathologies of our, 160

curriculum, humanistic orientation of the, 66

cybernetics, entropy in the context of, 157

cyberspace, greed spreading to the world of, 172

cycles, as overlapping, 50

cycles, repetitions of the number, as transformational, 132

cynicism, as a result of scientism, 144, 147