Bacon, Ed, note of, on the difficulty of being an Episcopal priest, 160
Bacon, Francis, 10
Bacon, Francis, acerbic comments of, 144, note 12
Bacon, Francis, suggestion of, to torture Nature like he tortured witches, 104, note 31
baggage, defined, 41
baggage, reduction of, in aging, 24
Bailey, Alice A., 34
Bailey, Alice A., and the New Age movement, 62 & note 11
Bailey, Ruth, 28, 166, 181
Bailey, Ruth, as Jung's caretaker, 70
Bailey, Ruth, Jung's dependence on, 72
Bailey, Ruth, observations of, of Jung's home life, 73
Bair, Deirdre, biographer of Jung, 1, 70, 80, note 34
Bakker, Jim, scandals of, 165, note 17
baktun, the end of a, 34
balance, being out of, constellating the opposite, 81
balance, importance of, 30
balance, in old age, of the physical, psychic, and religious, 47
balance, Jung's stress on the value of, 127, 136, 150, 154, 189
balance, loss of, danger of, 84
balance, need for, 13
balance, restoration of the body's, by humor, 67
balance, the lack of, in the mental state of Europeans, 119
balance, the psyche striving for, 108
Ballard, Guy Warren, and the New Age movement, 62 & note 12
Bancroft, Mary, surprise of, at Jung's wit, 71
banks, bailing out of, 27
bar/bat mitzvah, as an initiation rite, 138
Barbara Brennan School, the energy healing course of, 60
barbarism, 8
barbarism, interlude of, 5
barbarism, mark of, as one-sidedness, 113
barbarism, marks of, 28
Bardo, the, 32, note 7
Barrett, H.J., Jung's correspondence with, 167
Barz, Ellynor, 61, note 16; 86
base passions, list of, 83
Basel cathedral, dream of the turd crushing, 95
Basel Psychology Club, Jung's speech to the, 164, 176
Basel University, Jung’s lecturing at, in 1905, 176
Basel, as sophisticated, 38
Basel, suburbs of, in Germany, 124, 128
Basel, the collection of the library of, 70
basic human needs, the fulfillment of the, 57
Baudouin, Charles, visit of, to Jung's house, 70
Baumann, Carol, 38
Baumann, Carol, Jung's discussion with, 126
Baumann-Jung, Gert, 38, 70, 73
Baynes, Cary, 1
Baynes, Cary, as a commonsensical type, 74
Baynes, Cary, translation of Jung's German into English by, 119
Baynes, Cary, translation of Wilhelm's I Ching, 70
Baynes, Cary, translator of Wilhelm's German version of the I Ching, 169
Baynes, H.G., coiner of the term "provisional life," 141
Baynes, Peter, Jung's friend, 124, note 7
BBC broadcast, by Jung, 84
Beatrice, as Dante's muse and anima, 169
beauty, the healing effect of, on the soul, 9
Beckinsale, Elsie, as Jane’s shadow, 45
becoming conscious, as the key challenge, 101
becoming conscious, fear of, 52
becoming conscious, of the unconscious,17
becoming true to yourself, as the work, 178
beginner's mind, the value of, 41
beginner's mind, the, and the puer, 163
behavior, patterns of, as archetypes, 163, 188
behavioral economics, 44, note 159
behavioral economics, challenge of, to concepts in conventional economics, 127, 156, note 23
behavioral economics, recognition in, of humans' irrational behavior, 114, note 60
behavioral kinesiology, the discipline of, revealing the power of the positive, 55
Behaviorism, as a result of the impact of materialism, 115
behaviorism, as foreign to the European, 115
Behaviorism, Jung’s attitude toward, 44
behaviorist, the disregard of the unconscious by the, 115
behaviorists, the work of, 66
behaviors, repeated patterns of unwanted, as a sign, 188
being, contentment with, 32
being, Jung's focus on, 143
being, new levels of, opening to, 129, 138, 143
being, realizing the fullness of our, as a goal, 116
belief in man's will, as a superstition, 118
belief system, denial of the reality of the psyche in, 7, note 37
belief, as a weak reed, 81
belief, as an inadequate substitute for inner experience, 87
belief, as impossible, 26
belief, as tenuous, and no adequate substitute for inner experience, 87
belief, as unnecessary, for those who experience God, 87
belief, erroneous, technology fostering, 107
belief, the connection of, to doubt, 87
beliefs, killing types of, 127, 143, 161
beliefs, the questioning of, leading to a new belief, 157
beliefs, unconscious, difficulty in giving up, 30
Bell helicopter, the inventor of, 52
Bell, John, 34
Bell's theorem, 34, note 56
belly laugh, Jung's appreciation of the, 67
belonging, need for a sense of, 52, 108
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Company bumper sticker, as a puer mantra, 163 & note 24
ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine, 3
benedicta viriditas, defined, 25, 83, 104
Bergson, Henri, inspiration for Rupert Sheldrake, 179, note 29
Berman, Morris, 70
Bernet, Walter, correspondence of, with Jung, 180
Bernoulli, Daniel, as the father of aeronautics, 171
Bernoulli, Rudolf, correspondence of, with Jung, 176
Bernoulli’s principle, as explaining the power of imagination, 171
Berra, Yogi, quote of, 83, 139
Berry,Thomas, the wisdom of, 160 & note 7
Bertine, Eleanor, 1, note 25; 103
Besant, Annie, 34, 147, note 2
besieged minority, feeling like a, 127
betrayal, children feeling, when neglected, 173
bewitchment, forms of, 22
Beyond, the, as an immediate reality, 118
Bhaerman, Steve, aka Swami Beyondanada, quoted, 67 & note 10
Biano, Ochwiay, Jung's conversation with, 147, note 51
bias, 11, 42
Bible, 11, 16, 26, 29, note 14, 103
Bible, Jung's deep familiarity with the, 142, 147, 165, 169
Biblical scholars, explanations of, 100
Biblical scholarship, 34
biblical symbolism, as providing us with metaphoric images related to inner psychic states of being, 59
Biedermeyer furniture, Jung's house full of, 70
bifurcation, of the separating growth curves, 50
big dreams, as spiritual landmarks, 90
big dreams, features of, 119
Big pharma, role of, in modern health care, 9
Big Pharma, the deceit of, 58
Big Pharma, the side effect of drugs of, 104, note 125
Big Tobacco, the deceit of, 58
bigger as better, as a mistaken notion, 84, 131, 143, 181
bigness, lust for, 27
bigness, the cult of, 27
bigotry, as stimulated by isms, 44
billing codes, as a feature of modern health care, 9
Binder-Byrnes, Karen, quoted, 171
binge-watching streaming shows, 101
binocular vision, the value of, 42, note 41
Binswanger, Ludwig, 198
Binswanger, Ludwig, testing of Jung by, 131
Binswanger, Ludwig, the Word Association test administered to Jung by, 72
biodynamic gardening, 62
biological instincts, the subordination of, 85
biological rhythms, focus on, 143, note 105
biological sphere, the things of the, list of, 85
biology of belief, the, 34
bipolar disorder, features of, 9
bi-polar thinking, 2, 83
bi-polar thinking, limitations of, 166
bipolarity, definition of, 13
bipolarity, examples of, 42
birds, 5
birds, as symbolic of our spiritual aspirations, 153
birth, the particulars of, as the soul's intention, 113
birthers, the irrational statements of the, 131 & note 29
Birx, Deborah, 31, note 21
Bitter, Wilhelm, Jung's correspondence with, 106
Black Lives Matter movement, the, 102, note 59
Black people, list of, as victims of racist violence, 145, note 31
Black Plague, the, 12
Black Swan-generating province, the, 22, note 43
Black, Stephen, description of, of Jung, 70
Black, Stephen, interview of, with Jung, 139, note 10
Blacks, projection on to, 52
Blagojevich, Ron, 10, note 30; 83, note 61
Blake, William, quoted, 173
blame game, definition of, 179
blame game, Jung's examples of, 19
blame game, refusal to play the, in the meaningful life, 94
blame game, the, 2, 17, 19, 29, 36, 102
blame game, the, as a refusal of adult responsibility, 54
blank slates, humans as, in American thinking, 93
blaspheme, God compelling a person to, 81
blasphemy, as not offensive to God, 81
Blavatsky, Mme Helene P., 34, 147, note 2
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Assumption of, Jung's delight at, 132
blessings, as a result of trust, 41
blessings, the value of counting your, 67
Bleuler, Eugen, as Jung’s teacher, 88 & note 15
Bleuler, Eugen, description of, of Jung, as cold, 72
Bleuler, Eugen, Jung's first boss, 72
Bleuler, Eugen, request of, to Jung, 176
blighting ideologies, Jung’s examples of, 175
blind contingency, the law governing, 135
blind spots, 21
blind spots, the foibles of, 58
blindness, as common, 41
blindness, the, of our age, 31, 138
bling, the Sensate's focus on, 143
bliss, following, 17
bliss, indescribable, the cruel meaninglessness of, 166
blog essays, the sources for topics of the, 134
bluffing, Jung's definition of, 117
Bly, Robert, workshops of, with Marion Woodman, 155
Bodhi, Bhikkhu, The Venerable, efforts of, for Buddhist Global Relief, 160
bodhichitta, development of, via grieving, 25
bodhichitta, the, 40
bodhisattvas, role of, 179
bodies, the psyche speaking through, 54
bodily machine, the, changes in, 24
body and soul, the divorce of, in modern culture, 119
body image disorders, examples of, 22
body, connection of the, to soul, 83
body, demands of the, 30
body, ignoring of, as a cause of one-sidedness, 113
body, listening to the, as a holder of secrets, 95
body, living in the, 94
body, needs of the, 30
body, responsiveness of, to healthful change, 33
body, the inner workings of the, 121, 128, 144, 162, 191
body, the intelligence of the, 33
body, the numinosity of the, 33
body, the rediscovery of the, 113
body, the spiritualization of the, 83
body, the transpersonal wisdom of the, 33
body, the wisdom of the, 28
body, the, deeper messages from the, 24
body, the, materialistic fixation on the, 24
body, the, somatic feelings of, as valuable, 54
body, the, strengthened by psychic insights, 47
Boebert, Lauren, election of, 101
Bohm, David, 34
Bohm, David, thinking of, as outside the box, 155
Bohr, Niels, 34
Bollingen Foundation, Mellon's subventions to, 69
Bollingen retreat, the privacy of Jung's, 71
Bollingen Series, as the publisher of Jung’s works, 176
Bollingen tower, Jung's lair, 60
Bollingen, 16
Bollingen, absence of modern technology at, 104
Bollingen, Jung building his retreat at, 70
Bollingen, Jung's creative activities around, 69
Bollingen, Jung's retreat at, 127, 160, 161, 167, 181
bomb, the power of affect likened to a, 128
bond rating agencies, the deception of, 58
bondage of man, to the “nothing but,” freed by the creative activity of imagination, 171
bonding with others, humor strengthening, 67
Book of Changes, Jung's experimentation with the, 169
Book of Revelation, the, 34
book, good, as a bridge leading onwards, 103
borderlands, the, living within the, 24
borderline cases, Jung’s handling of, 42
borderline phenomena, 30
Boston Brahmins, Jung's visit to, 67
Boston Jung Institute, 7, note 17
Boston, Jung taking taxis around, 72
both/and thinking, as suited to the polarity of life, 143
both/and thinking, Jung’s encouragement of, 54, 100
bottom line, the triple, as people, planet, profit, 160
Bouazizi, Mohamed, 3
boundaries, setting, egoism as the, 119
Bowditch, Fanny, 16
Bowditch, Fanny, the correspondence of, with Jung, 169
Bowdoin College, 39
Bowman, S.C.V., 16
box system, the, 12
Brahman, the Self as, 121
brain functioning, improvement of, via humor, 67
bravery, new forms of, 79
bread and butter world, the, as meaningless, 94
bread, Jung's books as, 75
breakdown, 3, 83
breakthrough, 3
breathing, as universal to all humans, 160
Brennan, Barbara, 42, note 38
Brennan, Barbara, the energy healing course of, 171, note 29
Breuer, Joseph, work of, in twilight states, 60
bridge failures, 83 & note 79
Briggs, Isabelle, 92 & note 2
Briggs, Katherine, 139
Briggs, Katherine, as an advocate of Jung's type system, 78
Brill, Steven, 28, note 9
Briner, Mary, 22
British Medical Journal, identifying Jung as an empiricist, 97
British Medical Journal, Jung's quote of, 7
British people, the courage of, 124
Brome, Vincent, description of, of Jung as austere, 70
brothel, the, 13
Brother Klaus, inspiration of, to Jung, 69
brotherhood, as an Aquarian feature, 82
Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, 145
Brown, Chandler, 39
Brown, Peter, McGill University professor, on economy, 160
Bruner, Cornelia, 1, note 31
brutality, of the masses, 131
Bryn Mawr, as Jane’s college, 45
Buber, Martin, attacks of, on Jung, 97, note 13
Buber, Martin, Jung's correspondence with, 63, note 21
Buber, Martin, remarks of, Jung's response to, 118, note 54
Bucke, Richard, classic book of, 160, note 9
Bucko, Adam, work of, with homeless youth, 160
Buddha, 5
Buddha, power level of, 36
Buddhism, 129, 138, 147, note 2
Buddhism, 32, note 7; 34, 50, 62
Buddhism, method of, for dealing with pain, 9
Buddhist abhidharma practice, as a way to depotentiate complexes, 72
Buddhist masters, advice of, 32, note 8
Buddhist philosophy, Jung's appreciation of the empiricism of, 100
Buddhist practitioners, concern of, 18
Buddhist teachings, Jung's drawing on, 123, 179, 180
Buddhists' enlightened mind, 40
Buddhists, persecution of ther Muslim Rohingyas by, 165
Buddhists, the, 30, note 21
buffalo, the systematic destruction of the, as karmic, 145
Buffet, Warren, quoted, 104, note 126
building game, Jung's, 163
bulimia, as a distortion of the hunger instinct, 188
bull, 5
BUNs, as an indicator of kidney function, 122, note 28
Burckhardt, Jacob, Jung’s borrowing a term from, 59, note 8
Burckhardt, Jacob, Jung's borrowing "primordial image" from, 168, note 12
burdens, humor lighting our, 67
Burghölzli Clinic, Jung’s patient at the, seeing a tail on the sun, 174
Burghölzli Clinic, Jung's early work at, 96 & note 30
Burghölzli Clinic, Jung's early years at the, treating addicts, 115 & note 56
Burghölzli Clinic, Jung's works at, 144, note 41
Burghölzli Clinic, the, 16, 37, note 49; 72
Burghölzli Clinic, the, Jung's work at, 69, 88
Burghölzli Mental Hospital, 90, note 50
burials, Jung witnessing, as a child, 81
Buridan's ass, 2, note 12; 49
Burt, Kathleen, as a student of Jung, 86
Bush, George H., 8
Bush, George W., 14, note 18; 25, note 57
Bush, George W., example of, 83, note 63
Bush, George W., projection of, 28 & note 19
Bush, George W., shadow projection by, 117
Bush, George W., the unconsciousness of, 59
Business Alliance for a Local Living Economy, the, 160
business world, the conventions of the, 16
business, in an Aquarian era, 82
buying local, the importance of, 101