February 2017 newsletter

February 2017


Dear Friends,


As I think about outer reality, and our current weather (one long mud season??), Shakespeare’s words come to mind: “Now is the winter of our discontent…” but where/who is our “summer sun/son…”?? Reality, it seems, grows “curiouser and curiouser” (Lewis Carroll now)—all of which Jung foresaw and warned us about. My dream life now is rich with material for the set of lectures I am working on about our current world and how to cope with things curious and unsettling. I am hopeful that the lectures will be ready by late summer or early Fall.

On the more immediate horizon, we have one course upcoming to finish our Winter term:


Meeting Your Inner Partner, Wednesdays, 2/8,15,22,3/1 (Mar 8th, snow day); 7-9PM; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury; $60; to register, call Sue (802) 244-7909.

One of the most important of Jung’s theories was his idea of the inner partner, the “anima” in a man, the “animus” in a woman. Part of the individuation process is becoming aware of this inner energy and how it shows up in our lives, projected on to other human beings that we are attracted to, fall in love with, marry, fight with and struggle to understand. This workshop supports students’ wising up to the qualities and nature of their anima or animus via a series of exercises and analyses of their astrological chart.


Our Spring term schedule will appear on March 1st, and the first courses will roll out on March 15th. In the meantime, I hope the month ahead is a good one for you, despite mud and muck, ice and frost heaves.





Here’s the link to February’s blog essay:



hmmm… I’m not sure I’ve got it right. If the above does not work as a link, please let me know. Thanks.

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Jung on America

Jung on America - a collection of essays

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What would Jung think of our "Too-Big-to-Fail" institutions? What about the idea of reparations?

These and other similar questions drawn from the daily headlines have been posed by students at the Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, and they form the substance of this book.

Jung on America

Working with Dreams: A Jungian Perspective

A short, succinct guide to Jung’s way of handling dreams, including definitions of terms, useful tools, how to foster dream recall, and techniques for interpreting dreams on the three levels Jung used.