April 2019
Dear Friends,
As we say “goodbye” to March, hopeful for signs of Spring (rather than yet more snow!), we look forward to some exciting courses this coming month:
Edible Alchemy: Saturdays, 4/13,20 &27th; 9AM-2PM; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury; $75; to register, call Sue (802) 244-7909.
A hands-on workshop that applies the terms, concepts and principles of alchemy to the activities we do in our domestic alchemical realm: the kitchen. Students will not only experience various forms of alchemical transition, but will also have the opportunity to eat the results of alchemical transformations. Pre-requisite: Introduction to Alchemy. Led by Sue Mehrtens
Archetypes for Everyone: Wednesdays, 4/17,24, 5/1 & 8; 7-9PM; 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury; $60; to register, call Sue (8020 244-7909
An experiential course training both analysts and anyone interested is becoming more self-aware to think archetypally by exposing them to myths, legends and the powerful symbolism of the personal chart. Students will work with their own charts, as well as the charts of famous people (e.g. Trump, JFK, Marilyn Monroe etc.), to see how archetypes operate in individual lives. No prior background in astrology is required. This course comes with 8 CEUs for therapists.
Edible Alchemy puts us in the kitchen–the alchemical realm–and, for those who have taken the basic course, this courses offers some tasty treats, interesting explorations with our senses, and hands-on experience of some of the archetypes of change.
The Archetypes for Everyone course focuses on the archetypes most significant in personal lives, as seen in the personal chart. Students registering for this course should include their birth data (birth date, birth time, birth place), so I can have charts ready in our first class.
I look forward to sharing these learning experiences with you!
Happy Spring!
The URL for April’s blog essay is: