Our new Jungian Center web site has just been launched. After more than a year’s development it is now simpler to navigate and access all of our essays, books and courses.

Please check it out and tell us what you think—what you like, its ease of use, its more contemporary features. Feedback will be most welcome!

Sue and our diligent tech guys, David and Eren
The month of August can be a time for languorous reading on the beach or a time to recall our entering the nuclear age (with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945). Our course "Enjoying the Afternoon of Life" is a good course for listening and reflecting on the shore, while the Living Alchemy and Revisioning Science offer opportunities to rethink some of the conventional assumptions of our culture.

This course and books are on sale or the month of August. See links below.

You can also get 3 courses for the price of 2 by using the coupon code "3for2" in the shopping Cart

Enjoying the Afternoon of Life - Jung on Aging

Analytical Psychology--Carl Jung's version of depth soul work--is unique among psychotherapeutic schools in its positive attitude toward old age and the aging process. Jung felt that people should live into life right up to the moment of death and he laid out a process of for doing so that draws on personality type, personal talents, creative expression and a variety of life experiences that foster soul connection and anticipation of life after life. In this course we read Jung's work on the stages of life, along with several other short works by older Jungian analysts who draw on their own experience of aging. In-class activities include multiple thought-provoking exercises. A dozen take-away exercises encourage students to continue the work after the workshop ends.

Led by Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. This course provides 16 hours of instruction suitable for CEUs.

Wednesdays, 2/9,16,23, 3/2; 7-9PM; via Zoom

Syllabus, pdfs of the readings, and all the exercises are on the flash drive, along with a copy of this sheet.

Link for the Zoom sessions will be sent to all registrants via email. Recordings of the session will be made available to all registered participants

*To pay by check, please select "check" at checkout and follow the instructions for sending your check to us to complete payment.

$60.00 $50.40

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Enjoying the Afternoon of Life - Jung on Aging

Living Alchemy: Using Ancient Wisdom to Go with the Flow of Life

by Sue Mehrtens, Ph.D.

255 pages

Available in hard copy or e-book (pdf) form.

If paying by check, send to:

The Jungian Center
55 Clover Lane, Waterbury VT 05676

with your name and return postal address, or email your information to info@jungiancenter.org;

When we receive your check or notification from Paypal we will ship your copy.

*International Orders
please email your information to info@jungiancenter.org to purchase. Shipping cost vary and need to be calculated for accuracy.


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Living Alchemy: Using Ancient Wisdom to Go with the Flow of Life

Revisioning Science: Essays Towards a New Knowledge Base of Our Culture

Revisioning Science: Essays Towards a New Knowledge Base of Our Culture
Available only in hard copy form. Price includes shipping.

If paying by check, send to:

The Jungian Center
55 Clover Lane, Waterbury VT 05676

with your name and return postal address, or email your information to info@jungiancenter.org;

When we receive your check or notification from Paypal we will ship your copy.


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