Greetings from sloshy, soggy, cloud-ridden February! At least this is the shortest month of the year (a day longer in this leap year). In our Jungian Center schedule we have a whole new array of courses, listed below in chronological order. We hope you'll join us in learning adventures that can help keep our gray matter in the pink, even when the skies are gray.
The URL for our February essay “Active Imagination: Features, Methods and Warnings” is:
Song Medicine Cafe, Sundays, February 4,11,18,25; 1-3EST via Zoom; $40 (via IVY Pay or PayPal); email us: ScottPaul@SongWisdom.com Songs have served as healing agents in all eras across cultural traditions. Personal experience and insight, intergenerational narratives, existential questions and aspiration are among the themes readily expressed in this most democratic of all art forms. The Song Medicine Cafe is open to folks interested in workshopping their personal songs in a group setting. Participants will be introduced to principles related to song healing, therapeutic life review processes, and approaches to song creation. This experiential format relies on active participation by group members and will include some preparation between sessions. Course materials and assignments will be provided by the host. Experienced musicians are welcome but songwriting and music training are not required. All participants should have a hearty love and appreciation for songs, the desire to create a song of their own, and be willing to share their work in class in some fashion. Hosted by Scott Paul, PhD - counselor, educator, producer, and songwriter.
How to make your deep wishes manifest, Tuesdays, February 6, 20, 27; 7-9PM EST; via Zoom; $60 (check in US$ to Monique Gerbex, sent c/o Jungian Center, 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury VT 05676); to register contact Monique (mdestalbans@hotmail.com) This course will cover the basic techniques to transmute positive thought energy into the physical realm. Through various exercises, participants will learn to combine some basic energy work, imagination and gratitude to set the stage for visualizations moving your life forward. Some of the exercises practiced during class and at home can improve wellbeing and a sense of groundedness. Student discussions will round out this rich class. Led by Monique Gerbex who has been a student at the Jungian Center for 10 years and has practiced this method of manifesting for three decades.
Astral Portals, The New Collective Paradigm, and a Personal Cosmic Energy Reading (with Sue & Kimia) included; Saturday, Feb. 24; 4-5PM (EST), with 2:1 bookings, 5-5:30; via Zoom; $110 (class + two personal readings via Zoom); via PayPal , Zelle, Venmo or check to Kimia Maleki, sent c/o Jungian Center, 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury VT 05676); for more on topics and to register, go to project-alchemy.com or email Sue at info@jungiancenter.org We have recently experienced significant cosmic configurations that have impacted both our personal lives and our collective reality in a palpable life-changing way - this will continue in 2024. In this team-taught course, we will discuss the nature of cosmic energy, the Law of Correspondence, how it shows up on both the personal and collective levels, and what the past and coming eclipses mean for us, as individuals and citizens. Topics for discussion include the current unfolding energies, the portals of the upcoming and recent eclipses, and ways our personal stars align to heal the collective. This informational class provides an essential foundation for new courses on life purpose and unblocking of energies, led by Sue Mehrtens & Kimia Maleki and includes a 2:1 personal astrological reading and a session with both Kimia Maleki & Sue Mehrtens (must be used March 1- April 15, 2024); have your birth info ready (birth date, time and place) with you at our Feb. 24th session.
Mary Magdalene: Experiencing Her Wisdom; Wednesdays, Feb 28, Mar 6,13,20; 7-9PM; (EST/EDT); via Zoom; $60
Using a series of activities and exercises, this course seeks to make Mary Magdalene come alive for participants; discussions of Mary's life and experiences supplement applications of her teachings in our own lives. Open only to those who took the previous course on Mary Magdalene. Led by Sue Mehrtens
Each month we offer a "special:" a discount on one or more courses and/or book. For this month:
The card shelves glow red this month, as stores sell all sorts of valentines. Two of our self-directed distance-learning courses align with Cupid's energy--"Jungian Parenting" and "Meeting Your Inner Partner," but the latter comes with a warning: multiple people who have taken this course have soon after found and married the love of their life!
This student-generated course applies Jung’s thought and techniques to consider what constitutes good parenting and how parents might practice conscious parenting, reperceive individual children and resolve difficulties with “problem children.”
** To pay by check or use the shopping cart on the website and select "Check payments" on the Checkout page. You will be sent a receipt with the address where to mail your check.
$75.00 $60.00
Meeting Your Inner Partner
One of the most important of Jung’s theories was his idea of the inner partner, the “anima” in a man, the “animus” in a woman. Part of the individuation process is becoming aware of this inner energy and how it shows up in our lives, projected on to other human beings that we are attracted to, fall in love with, marry, fight with and struggle to understand.
** To pay by check or use the shopping cart on the website and select "Check payments" on the Checkout page. You will be sent a receipt with the address where to mail your check.
$75.00 $60.00